We did a Trump and world leader clearing a few weeks back, and this week, an assassination clearing after the attempt on DJT’s life. 

Was the Secret Service complicit in the attempt? This test no. The protection details were very poor, and the actions taken were not enough. He was very under-protected, not enough of the right people, and inaction where there could have been preemptive action. 

Was this fake? Did the Trump team stage this? The Trump team staged the rally, as they do every rally so when testing the word staged it is yes, when testing the word staged next to the attempted assassination it is 98% no they did not want an assassination and did not set up a fake attempt. 

Did the Biden Administration order the assassination? I get 89% true here. Biden did say put a bullseye on Trump to the public.  

To this end, were the Clintons or Obamas involved? Clinton’s 100%, Obama’s 100%. 

Was there more than 1 shooter? I get there were three, 2 had weapons and were prepared to shoot. 

Was the shooter/s developed from a mind or consciousness control/development program? Yes 100% true 

Will there be more attempts on #45? No. Prior to our assassination clearing, it was, yes, 3 more attempts. WE have moved the dial on that for the good. 

Looking ahead, we are doing a new action-oriented protection plan for the entire community. I’m calling it ‘Why Wait -Incinerate’. It’s what many of you have been asking for. To speed up the disappearance and removal of all of the malefic d33p St@t3 organization. We’ll do weekly sessions into Jan 2025. We have 20 clearings already set to go! Learn more