We have just completed the 3rd round of chakra removal and I was able this time to devote hours to the development of the most detailed chart on chakras so far. The first and most important thing to see is who ‘manufactured’ the chakras. These are the aliens and nefarious beings who are behind the BIG LIE – chakras are not from God and are not helpful. 

  • chakra one Phantom
  • chakra two Devil
  • chakra three Anunakis Humanoid
  • chakra four Serpent
  • chakra five Moon Chain Being
  • chakra six Anunakis Humanoid
  • chakra seven Serpent  and Lucifer

As you look at the names of those behind the installation of chakras in the human body, I can imagine you may wonder about how to get rid of them asap.  Many aliens are able to use the function of the chakras to steal life force lower frequency and suppress your God-sourced blessings. 

The AI (artificial intelligence) involved with the chakras are ones we know to be behind consciousness control. Not surprisingly, each of the 7 chakras is affected by numerous wave transmissions and frequencies, as if the chakras are a receiver for these nefarious broadcasts. 

There are pages and pages of details that came out of this 3rd round of chakra removal and such a deepening of our awareness of what they really are and what they are doing. 

A full chakra was created for all 7 chakras. Here is an example of what we found in chakra six:

We’ll again revisit the chakra removal class after the first of the year, in the meantime, there is a DNA Removal program coming up in October that is tremendously helpful in aligning with God-sourced creation.