We know Lucifer was an angel. His category was angel type 22. He lived in heaven with God and God’s creation. We have not seen or mapped angel 22 at any point in the past as we explored the angels known to us. The reason we are not aware of them is that they no longer exist as angels. 458 was their total number at the time of their creation. They did NOT have wings. They were large to us in scale, not unlike the size angel 23, about 40’ in height. 

Lucifer spent only about 8,500 years in heaven before coming under the influence of evil. This was both Reptoid and Serpent aliens. He did not turn from God immediately, but after 800 years, he had grown in support and challenged God for ownership of heaven. 

I want to comment here. I am aware years in heaven are not the same as years in heaven; that is not a measure of time, but for us to wrap our minds and thoughts around this, I am using this reference of time to help us understand. 

The battle ensued upon the challenge of ownership and went on in heaven for 30 years, at which time those left standing against God were expelled from heaven. 

Lucifer participated in the 30 years of fighting. He fell under deep consciousness control in the 800 years prior to challenging God. At the time the challenge was made, God knew it was coming. He was saddened by the loss of faithful angels. He knew they could turn it around with free will. The angels fighting a war against God, about 34% of the total angels in heaven, were forced to leave their heavenly home. 

Earth was not the destination at first. They moved into a dark realm where they were changed in appearance. Those were the angel type 22. Other angels kicked out of heaven floundered and knew not what to do; has always known heaven as their home. 

Angel Type 23, our Michaels group equally large, moved all of the angel 22 out. This was not looking like a moving day but a battle forcing the line of conflict further and further away from heaven.  The angel 22 went through a portal to the dark realm, having lost 50% of their numbers in this final battle. The dark realm was vacuous. Black and terrible. It was what became hell further down the line. 

While his minions were ‘safely’ in the dark realm (a place so horrible the angels of God would not enter, actually were forbidden to enter, Lucifer went back once more to challenge God. This time he brought with him the Reptoid and Serpent, who, by their evil makeup, were unable to enter heaven. God’s angels continued to battle evil for many more years, 40,000 years. Reptoid brought in reptilian, arachnoid, snake, and kurs as the battle raged on. Angel type 22 inhabits hell to this day, no longer angel unrecognizable, and most certainly lost forever. 

God continued with His beautiful idea of creation. A battle raged on, but God did not stop with His vision or intent for a beautiful place, a sanctuary space for His children. 

The original lucifer fell in the first 30-year battle; He was incinerated as a spirit. This was in a battle against angels. But the idea of Lucifer was extremely valuable to the Reptoid, and they replicated him so that there would always be a figurehead of Gods fallen to lead the once heavenly occupants in an unending war against God. 

Fast forward, there are currently 17 Replicants of Lucifers. It will be interesting to look at a future time when the deep state began and when the earth became the battlefield.