I have students share with me their ideas about ‘nano’ items that are marketed and promoted as the latest greatest best tool to accomplish for example pain relief, nerve-calming, or skin tightening. Many items have nanotechnology in them, some things you might be surprised about like supplements, skincare, and even pillows. For many of these items you just need to keep an eye out for the label or if you can energetically test. 

The thing is nanotechnology does what it is promoted to do. You feel good, it fixes stuff, makes you look better. and if that is the case, you may wonder why I would be so opposed to all nanotech. Two reasons. One, if the nanites take over a function your body should do, rather than correcting the issue organically, your body will lose the ability to do that function and technology will take over. Two, nanites in the body create a shift from biological to transhuman. The more technology is in your body that integrates and uses technology the more we move away from who God created us to be and embrace a hybrid lifestyle. 

I know on some level I have villainized nano by calling attention to it especially in our anchor’s list. These are just some of the nano anchors on our list: Nano Quad, Nanobots, Nano novem, Nano Minuscule, Nanites Nano Tri, nanite spirals, Nanotechnology, Nano Quin. These nano issues get in through food, water, creams, and medications among many other ways. We disappear them because they are anchored in problems. 

If you are a star trek fan from way back you’ll remember a  group of hybrid humans called the Borg. they had all kinds of enhancements to the biological system to make them more efficient. If you remember from this prophetic fairy tale, they did not have free will but operated as a collective. They lost their humanity, their God connection, and the beautiful individuation they were created to be. 

Not everyone agrees with me on this point. There are influential people like Elon Musk who are eager and excited to mechanize humans. 

Did you know you can now have an interface chip put in your brain to work with your computer hands-free? You can have a chip in your wrist to do your banking and pay bills. Of course, all the things folks are used to like pacemakers, artificial hips, knees joints, diabetic pumps. All the sci-fi predictions are real.

 These little Nanos are accessible and programmable from outside sources. 5G is singling out and since much of this new technology is being introduced by races from off-world we may be with our minds can’t imagine what this can all be used for but my instinct is pointing me in the direction of cleansing purify and return to life as God created for us. 

You may have the notion, oh Jules, what can this hurt, it feels so good? Well, I never said nano stuff doesn’t work, or help you feel good, heron makes you feel good but there is a very negative long-term result. This is a year dedicated to life. Not only life as it is but a life built out of the purity and truth of our creation!