As the mark of the Beast is speculated to have been perpetrated in those receiving the vaccine, I’d like to share a bit of what I know and how we are addressing the concerns of the vaccinated in our community.

The first reference is from Rev 13;16-18 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads.

The he referred to is Lucifer, and the attention to be marked is across all diversities. The mark will be on the right hand or forehead. The vaccine is typically given in the right shoulder, not hand or forehead. If we were to imagine this was not absolutely literal, the vaccine is hitting the RNA and blood system, so this marking would be throughout the body. The significance of saying right hand, it is the hand of power, and the forehead, seat of could be thought of as the seat of the soul, consciousness, and the mind.

There is a term going around luciferase.  As well Luciferin which has been used.

The luciferase-tagged G proteins (RSV-GA and RSV-GB) acted as “bait” to antibodies against the G proteins in samples of human serum (the clear fluid of blood without red or white cells), causing them to bind to the tagged proteins. First, the scientists added special protein beads that bind the antibodies with the luciferase-tagged G proteins to the bottom of a plastic test well. Then they added Luciferin and measured the amount of light released when it interacted with luciferase, which enabled them to calculate how strong the antibody response was to the G proteins.

In a vaccine disclosure, this is written: Luciferin was administered by intraperitoneal injection (IP) at 1.50 MG/KG to each mouse prior to imaging during the plateau phase of the Luciferin exposure curve was between 15 and 30 minutes. To create Luciferin, 1 g of D- Luciferin potassium or sodium salt was dissolved in 66.6 mL of distilled phosphate buffer solution.

So we see the word Lucifer in these ingredients, which is used in both testing and the vaccine. I find it interesting as well that 666 comes up in the dissolvent. Who could see this and not think this is the mark of the Beast?

We also see the satanic blood sacrifice with the use of a cultured aborted fetus kidney cell.

Revelations 4:19 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

When does it become ‘worship’? Can the mind and consciousness control by the mainstream media and governing agencies, really taking over your body authority with medical, land, legal, and governing entitlements, forcing you to do harm to your body, believing your incredible immune system and your relationship with God would not keep you safe???

The VAERS Most recent Data does suggest torment for many many who have gotten the Jab:

So what can we do with a combination of fact and spiritual knowledge to help deepen our freedom and ownership of both our God-given rights and authority in our bodies?

In a recent interview with Lord Jesus, he said to focus your attention on experiencing freedom and creating and living in joy where you can build your quality of life.

We did a Huge Vaccine clearing about 6 weeks back with very good results; still, the vaccine push continues in full force. We must be vigilant to guard our consciousness against overriding pressures and controls to have us agree to put harmful things in our bodies. If it is already done, the pan/demic clearings we are doing are incredibly effective at neutralizing all harmful issues associated with the vaccines. (learn more and enroll in Pan/demic class)

One other thing we must be cognizant of is the intention to induce sterility, death, and permanent disability; none of these intentions for humankind can be from God.