www.julierenee.com for a free meditation program from Fatigue to Fabulous. Marty Doering begins his journey in energy healing at his first Miraculous Weekend and begins to learn tools for improving his life and the ones he cares for.
Hi my name is Marty Doering and I came to this event of Miraculous Healing because Julie Renee invited me. Eight years ago I was in an accident and had a brain injury and nerve damage thru my whole body. I live with pain. Western medicine for eight years has tried to get me out of that pain and there is nothing that they can do anymore. I am at the end of what Western medicine can do…so Julie told me about this and I thought you know that really makes sense let me try this. One of the breakthroughs I had just starting in this class is we practiced healings on each other to learn how to do it and it was found that I have low energy in my frontal lobe of my brain. After the healing and gold energy was through and I am brand new at this so I am trying to understand this too…and so after the gold energy was put in I felt a lightening in my forehead. It just felt so much clearer. What I am looking to do is try help people that Western medicine cant reach anymore. So in the future I am looking to help those people and I think that there are more people that out there that Western Medicine just isn’t the answer anymore And I really am hoping that this is the answer.

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