Hi, my name is Melissa Risdon and I am the host of an internet radio show called Raving Fan Radio, and I’m also a life coach. I concentrate on helping people deal with the internal chatter and, uh, some of the self sabotage that we deal with. I have been working with Julie Renee, uh…, doing her ones days. Today is my second one day. And, I’ve really noticed some wonderful changes, uh…, for ah…, foremost, big thing that I came in with was my health, not feeling good, uh…, not sleeping at night. And I can honestly say that in the last couple weeks since my first day with Julie Renee, I’ve been able to sleep better, feel better. I can definitely tell that my adrenals are not in like this panic race that they seem to be for years and years and years. I don’t quite know how to explain it but I really feel like the… the… the… the drudge and uh…, like the shell that was on me kind of keeping me hidden, has really vanished. So I’m really excited about, you know, just where things are going, putting myself first, um… I had a great workshop the other day. I had an hour and a half workshop and I got paid $600 for that which is way beyond twice my rate that I was charging before and that feels really great. And I’m just kind of excited to see where this all goes. I feel like for the first time in my life I’m putting myself first and foremost and it’s the best use of my time and my energy and I am just very, very thankful that I met Julie Renee!

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