Six months ago, if you had told me this shutdown was just around the corner, honestly it would have been hard for me to grasp and harder for me to believe. Yet here we are, locked up in our homes waiting for the all clear sign to come out once more.
The past 3 months, I’ve learned many things about humanities activities which were also incomprehensible, painful and shocking. Still, I am well because we have actively been clearing and neutralizing the dark forces and clearing our DNA and Divine Blueprint to Discern and learn about the happenings without cognitive dissonance and out of balance collapse.
Are we living in a day of freedom and liberty? Is there justice for all?
We’ve had unfriendly neighbors, I’ve lived here for 5 years and you know, no kindness shown to us. During this lock down, on May first we brought flower cups to all the close neighbors, including the 2 unfriendly homes. To my surprise today, the neighbors below brought Adelia and I a gift, really thoughtful, she makes doll houses for grown-ups, but she brought paper dolls and dresses for Adelia and I to work on. Turns out the flowers touched her heart, the husband who had been unkind drove her to us and both were extremely friendly, Adelia was so happy and I could see just a small amount of kindness goes a long way.
Turns out they didn’t realize we lived here full time and were shocked to hear I’d been here 5 years, he just assumed we weren’t here and was doing stuff not aimed at me but what he thought was a vacant property. At least that was good to find out.
When we brought the flowers to the ‘naughty’ neighbors I had an intention to move the dial for the good. I think that is sometimes all it takes. And intention to make a little harmony, a sweetness, a prayer, and bouquet of wildflowers for what appears to be grouchy folks warms them right up.
Even with the limitations of the lock down we are growing learning and becoming a part of the neighborhood. Something I could not have accomplished with our hectic driving and work schedule in previous months. Adelia has had a very happy week, her big girl bike arrived, and she is over the moon happy singing through much of her day.
Inner freedom, spiritual freedom is to be free to practice love and kindness every day, no matter what the governing and suppressing authorities might be invoking. This Memorial Day let’s remember those who loved us. Let’s remember the generous and kind people who were there at the right moment and helped us be who we are.
The challenge I give you is to be memorable. To make a difference, love people in extraordinary ways, make the next 12 months a year of shifting up with goodness and light. As we exercise the light and love of God’s goodness we install more light and love on the planet. And in so doing edge out the darkness.