The most decorated Olympian in US history, competing currently in the 2012 London Olympic games, was locked out of the medals in his first race of these games. Perhaps his bout with depression affected this result. Michael Phelps, stated he has used his athletic and swimming vocation to channel the intensity of childhood ADHD. After the last Olympic competition and wins, depression and let down overtook Michael as he struggled with weight gain, packing on 20 plus pounds.

He spent much of his recent 2 years improving his understanding of himself and his world and has as a result become a better man in the process.

The role of a healthy brain plays an important part in optimizing an individual’s entire existence. Through a persons brain they view and understand their world. The human brain provides much of the content for personality, character, judgment and ability to make good choices. When the brain is working a person is healthy. However, when the brain vitality is in trouble, there is a diminished ability in all areas of life.

Miraculous healing ‘Brain Protocols’ are quite possibly the most powerful of all the healings we are able to provide working through the human blue print. The brain with all its amazing complexities, when restored to great function can improve virtually all conditions of malfunction in the body.

The brain controls all the systems of the physical body and even some parts of the energetic body. For people in pain, healing the brain can restore the nerves to ease and equilibrium resulting in reduced or a total clearing of pain. Digestion is also affected positively by restoring the brain to a healthy state. When the brain colors are improved, chemistry can be improved through energy healings.

My research on the brain began many years ago, as I have also experienced depression, attention deficit related to a traumatic brain injury. What I have discovered in my research is that if you heal the brain, even post traumatic stress disappears as the new brain cells and brain patterns literally erase the PTSD from the field of memory.

Improving the quality of a persons life with attention deficit can be done by clearing the five brains of grey and black energetic colors and by addressing the level of how the individual handles the amount of information flowing in from the extra pathways found in ADHD and ADD folks.

Depression is addressed in a similar fashion, however the focus after clearing colors is to improve chemistry, often working with the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. We are using Cellular Neo Genesis ® which is the actual regeneration of a master stem cell in the area being improved.

A recent Miraculous Healing weekend resulted in nine individuals being healed of brain issues with phenomenal results.

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Bill Viet Nam Vet Heals Unbelievably from PTSD

Benjamin major head injury pain stress and exhaustion heals

Lauren Jacobs gets help with ADD through Miraculous Healer

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