On the Red Carpet James Malinchak Rev Julie Renee

Platinum coaching member Rev Julie Renee reveals the secrets her Mentor James Malinchak shared with her on making it happen now!

The Secret Millionaire  James Malinchak has made a huge splash on the internet and television airs ways. He is now a very visible Secret Millionaire!

What makes James and other like him so special?

  1. Strategic planning
  2. Working from the Heart with passion and drive
  3. Know being just like everyone else and to be extraordinary is a winning combination!
  4. Over Deliver

In my recent 5 exclusive hours with James Malinchak, he handed me the keys to the kingdom of wealth. As he looked over the voluminous products I have created in the past few years he said, you are just like me. He is a producer. He creates products and programs and considers himself a wizard of sorts.

First piece of advice:

  • Get yourself Positioned then Always Be Marketing. Research and development are important but even more importantly, get it done. Get it out in the world. Stop trying to be perfect and take the leap.
  • Strategic planning and research are vital to take it up to the 7 figure income. Test the market; what do folks want now, you have got to be relevant to your audience. It doesn’t matter how intelligent you are, it matters that people can relate to you and your programs.
  • And of course people can’t hear you until they know you. If you plan to invite folks to invest in your program.

a.) show them you are just like them, normal even a little silly

b.) show them other people normal folks who have become extraordinary with a little guidance and help from you

  • Finally it is vital to success whatever you are doing, giving or offering in any arena has got to be really good, and you need to over deliver.  Give them extra attention, the personal touch, even a extra more than promised product.

People love to be surprised and in light of the difficulties of the economy, the global disasters and war we need to be extra good to each other.

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