Hindu Sacred Dance, Julie Renee

Hindu Sacred Dance, Julie Renee

As I looked at myself this morning in the mirror, I am unrecognizable these days. I just keep going for it with new opportunities and experimenting with the bold courageous woman I have become. It’s exciting to come into my own and feel absolutely invincible.

I thought about my recent experience and smiled to myself. Me strip?

To learn how to strip, I went to an expert for advice and a step-by-step process. Was it going to be difficult? This expert assured me this wouldn’t be the last time I stripped and I needed to consider this one of many events. “No need to be perfect,” she assured me. She showed me her hand actions and told me to shoot for a 40-minute first time “performance”.

Hesitantly, I went to my destination and prepared for the new adventure. This felt just like the anxiety that manifested just before I repelled down a rushing waterfall. Just before I jumped, I mustered the courage. With firm resolve, I took the leap. But instead of rapelling, I had my first time experience stripping (my hair).
Just like any stripping, which is removing unwanted items: I routinely strip my clients of their unwanted behaviors and illnesses. One to ones are all about this process.

I remove dark energies, infections, viruses and endless problems, and then restore the body to its beautiful healthy state. The advantage of a one to one healing is that you get a customized program that leaves off what you don’t need, just like the stripping.

To learn more about the Miraculous Living One to One Healing Program: Click on this link.

Definitely not stripping, Hindu Temple dance sacred and beautiful.