You know you can be one hundred percent healthy, even if you felt like maybe you were living a half life. Maybe never of really being able to fully express yourself, maybe never really being able to enjoy your body, being able to articulate yourself in a way that would be really awesome for you. And how we do that, is through cellular neo-genesis. We’re really working on activating your human blueprint and bringing in something that, if you check in with yourself, you know is possible. You know that you can regenerate your cells and it really, it feels right. And maybe even have tried to do that through using a machine or using some nutritional supplements but you haven’t gotten the full effect that you’re looking for. And part of that is that once the cell goes down, you really need a fresh cell to come up to give you a hundred percent healthy functioning cell if it can. Well what we do in cellular neo-genesis is we work with the master cell. Now that master cell was around since you were seven days after conception so you’re just cells dividing, you’re not even a little person yet. And that master cell, we correct or repair. So we’re activating the blueprint and we’re not really doing a repair so to speak, we’re bringing the blueprint back up to a hundred percent. The membrane, the nucleus which is the brain of the cell, the absorption organelle, which is the, you know the part of the cell which is like the stomach of the cell, brings in nutrients, the elimination organelle and then the DNA. And a lot of times I’ll see the DNA is broken and what my physicist has told me is that’s broken taleneers. And so by activating the human blueprint, and we activate it by using gold energy, we restore the master cell. Now if you can think about this cell as it’s the teacher of all the cells around, so if say we’re working on the thyroid, it would be the teacher that’s gonna teach all the thyroid cells how to behave and how to function. So you’ve got maybe a pre-school because there’s not that very many pieces that are functioning any more, and then after cellular neo-genesis, you might have a Harvard Law professor. You have a cell that has now got a doctor’s degree. And it can teach all the cells around it how to function at a hundred percent. In addition to that, which is so exciting, is we start a cascade of new healthy cell growth. So, for example, if you’ve just done a brain regeneration with me, you’ll know that you’re growing new cells for 90 to 110 days. That means that the lights are gonna keep coming on, the cell function is gonna be better, the whole brain is gonna work better. And it’s gonna get incrementally better over time. So if you have been living a life where you’re not fully self expressed, this is the way that we activate the cells and bring the cells to one hundred percent. By activating your brain, everything else in the system works so much better and we’re able to activate your emotional body better, we’re able to really clear things that maybe were stuck for you. So, the brain first, and cellular neo-genesis is the magic bullet for that. You can be one hundred percent healthy today. It’s a choice. And you know, it’s in you already.

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