I recently read a post on Facebook from a well-respected spiritual blogger talking about the new energies coming. He reported he had a migraine now for 3 days and his advice was to close the curtains, lay down, and don’t talk to anyone. He suggested this energy was energy to integrate. 

My first response to reading this was this is just a straight bad idea. God doesn’t send us painful energy. We should not stop our spiritual work or life to integrate harsh energies. My first advice was to say this is not me and continue on with your commitments. 

As we investigated further the light brigade was very sad. What had happened? 4800 seraphim had been sucked into a type of prison with a fallen angel weapon lucifer had resurrected off the spiral, and Lucifer in a short 11 days had risen in power and taken 12% control back over the dominion of the earth. I ended all of that in short order, brought the angels back out of prison, destroyed the weapon all the way back from its source, and removed the 2% remaining influence of Lucifer over the earthly realm. 

This new energy was 11 days of an increase of Lucifer’s influence on the human-angel realm, attempting to introduce hell on earth once more, and to that, we say no. Heaven and heavenly divine energies are here to stay if we have anything to say about it! And we do! 

The light brigade is getting assignments and venturing out, many have been with us more than a year and are restored and ready to contribute.

State of the Union Address Here

A few predictions for 2022 from the State of the Union address

Days of Concern

  • 4-4  possibly alien suppression increased
  • 9-11 –  possibly Lucifer amp-ing up
  • 11-19 – something with devastating internet wave-type issue

 Highlighted Days

  • 3-5 Financial Global economy opening up some
  • 5-3 Financial – Government losses hold or power
  • 7-16 Vitality increases – something to do with astrology
  • 9-9  Body – digestion improving nerves some frequency get shut down
  • 11- 22 location – heaven being more embodied on earth

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