Please skip this if you do not wish to have the insights I’ve gleaned about the political arena through active energetic observance. It is only what I see today, nothing is black and white, but I know at least some of our students are asking me for this when it comes through so this is for you if you are one of them!

Kamala was sworn in first in the fake inauguration she is actually head of the USA corporation.

Trump is the head leader President of the military.

The military continues all work set in motion to end trafficking and all the like their work has not halted in any way.

There are 5 Biden -doubles clones  (his) decisions are made by 3  reptilian influenced/ controlled individuals.

The term Bidens administration is correct in reference to the previous statement.

Rothchild’s are in large part running the Biden administration.

Biden leaves office under the issue of dementia in August, There is more than one timeline on this issue, so it may look different, this statement is 70% true.

The military continues to maintain control of the nuclear football.

It is possible Trump will take control in October but not set in stone … not in March as some speculate.

It appears fake media will be taken down in June 2023.

Trump’s social media may launch on April 2nd week.

When asking Trump about the survival of us through the damage being inflicted currently.. he thought a risk we have to take.