I rushed out the door to go to the parent-teacher orientation on Tuesday night. I had hoped it would be short and sweet and I would see friendly faces of other parents summoned to the school for this event, which allowed no children (parents only.)

I saw my friend Samantha, the mother of one of Adila’s friends, and plopped down next to her for the meeting. She was engaged in conversation with a woman I did not know, who was the mother to one of the other kindergarten kids.

I sat quietly while I listened, thinking I might get a chance to join in the conversation. I am grieved however to report what I heard in this conversation was terrifying. The mom speaking was a nurse who was working at a local hospital. She reported an incredibly sad fact and spoke it under her breath as if not to be discovered that she was speaking this terror out loud.  They currently had an infant born in this hospital receiving comfort care.  This child was not expected to live and was in comfort care. Why comfort care? (Hospice for babies) Because it was born with 2 faces. 

Up until 10 years ago, only 8 unrecorded histories had been documented. They were considered a version of conjoined twins, some had separate brains and spirits. If I heard correctly, she was speaking in a low voice. This was the 2nd child they’d had born with 2 faces. 

She said, no one knows why, these are genetic deformities/anomalies, why now? 

This is not hearsay per se, she was the nurse giving comfort and care to the family and infant, this was a first-hand account.

I’ll bet you can guess. If the mothers were reassured the mRNA Vac was safe and she should get it in the early stages of pregnancy, and she got the black goo which was put into a small percentage of Vacs, the alterations to a fetus would be unknown. With Covid, the first thing they noticed was a huge increase in miscarriage, a 400% increase in miscarriage from one report, and the vac made men infertile their sperm was no longer mobile and no longer could swim upstream to meet the egg as it dropped out of the ovary.

I believe, and my hypothesis is backed up by kinesiology, that these women were given the shot in the first 20 days of pregnancy. There was a human spirit there for those few days. As the black goo hits the system it speeds to the embryo –  blastocyst engaging the black goo with the DNA of the forming baby. 

These babies are read as Hybrid, human black goo more alien than human.  The original human spirit does remain with the body till it passes away. For me what comes to mind is a question: if one hospital has had two and the chances were formally 1 in 100 million for this, how many babies are being born and dying quickly where the hospital and families are keeping this quiet? I could find nothing in my searches on current stats around the 2 faced baby crisis so it has to be being hidden from the public.

Another question I have is, were medical workers told to administer a special Vac to those who were in the early stages of pregnancy to experiment on them?  

Please pray for the children and families of these folks, they definitely need our prayers, the grief and shock will be so extreme for them.  Hug your kiddos and thank God they are okay. 

We will do more mass clearings on mind and consciousness control on the vacs to be safe and effective. The CDC did just announce herd immunity was just as good as vacs.  However, as you know the vacs were at the very least a terrible assault on the immune system, but for some, based on the formula it is much worse. The 2 faced children die of heart failure.. 2 faces seem to indicate separate spirits and sometimes two brains or two parts of brains, one can be considered parasitic.

I do not recommend it, but if you want to see the two-faced children pre-covid, there are a few videos on youtube. (nothing has been added since covid that I could see)  I do not recommend looking it is hard the image will likely stay in your mind, better not to see.