As you well know, if you are participating in our community on some kind of regular basis that the Golden legion, a group of protector angels has been working with our community for a very long time. In the Quantum Academy they showed up for us 15 years ago, their numbers building offering help, encouragement, and support to our efforts. 

They have followed me into my incarnations with the intention of forwarding the ever-evolving quest of a human and angelic kind. 

We have had a new to us archangel  Making herself known in several of our trainings. The name is Ambriel or how I heard them say it was Ambiel. Looking up the attributes of this angel I found them so relevant to our exploration right now. Here is a tiny bit of what I found out.

Ambriel helps us develop and realize our inner potential and gives us the capacity for fulfillment. This Archangel guides us to recognize the voice of God within us. By invoking Archangel Ambriel, positive energies can be channeled and the relationship between appearance and substance can be balanced.

This angel, not male or female (in our definition) also helps with overseeing all guardian angels. We have recently done a huge spirit restoration or the guardian angels, that help with the birth and are angels who walk with humans to help them be successful in life. 

As time expands, it is my hope we began to understand and utilize the gifts each angel and angelic group brings to our community. for now it is good to know we are so very well supported, protected, loved, and cared for.