Julie Renee Doering: Life is a Glorious Dance

Have you ever heard retirement community ‘seniors’ having the conversation of, “being in God’s waiting room”? They go there to hang out and get ready to move out of their bodies. If a husband passes, a few weeks later the wife will pass, and before you know it her best friend has also made her transition. There is no sense of future or vitality or joy, just a certain ending.

Just yesterday, Jenny told me of someone who received the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer a few weeks back, and had already passed. Jenny said her friend just gave up, hopeless and without a mission or purpose, just let the body die. Depression prevents you from overcoming health obstacles and restoring health.

I am aware that pancreatic cancer is the worst of the worst when it comes to life threatening diseases. However the apathy and the willingness to let go is a sign of this global depression.

When facing death, I have firmly called upon my strong will and desire to fulfill my legacy with humanity to survive the many brushes with death. My sense of purpose at first was fueled by the desire to see my children grow up. I had a sense of something more to live for even though I didn’t yet have it formulated.

It was at an EST meeting (now called the Landmark Forum) that the concept of living a hundred and fifty years was introduced into my consciousness. We did an exercise where we imagined, with focus and intention, what we could do to create change in the world.

The first ideas we wrote in our journal were in response to the following question:
“In the next year with, focused concentration, what could you do to effect change in the world?”
“What if you had 2 years?”
“5 Years?”
“10 years?”
“25 years?”
“50 years?”
“75 years?”

I saw myself helping blast apart the global depression and shifting the notion that there’s not enough time to make a change, so why try? I saw myself creating bigger and bigger legacies to create and live into.

Finally they asked us to imagine, “You now have one hundred and fifty years to leave your legacy. With focus and intention what could you do to create change in the world?”

I knew instantly that for me it was about global depression being completely banished. I saw myself living large with my intentions, creating huge pictures of contribution and global change for good.”

This experience was an opening for me to break out of the unconscious trance that had affected me my whole life. What was interesting was, I didn’t even know that it was there. It just was. Everyone was thinking the same thing. We thought that life was short and we would not have enough time to really make a difference. I too saw that, until I woke up. All of the sudden it was no longer my reality, just a lie that I had been lulled into.

Are you ready to wake up with me? What could you do if you knew you had another hundred and fifty years, with focus and concentration, to make the world a better place?

Here are a few ways you can address this global depression:

  • Plan not to retire from life until you are 500 – 600 years old.  This means in essence, continue to be alive and a contributor to life and the world. Retiring is this way of stepping away from activity to rest. To retire from dinner is to leave the meal and go to rest. But with regular retirement there is no returning to life. Have purpose and meaning in every day here on earth.
  • Live a life of contribution and gratitude. When you are busy appreciating all the wonder and magnificence in this life and on this Garden of Eden planet, you are aligning yourself with the highest expression a human can experience. Please don’t be fooled into thinking you are there when you are using your problems and dramas over and over again to prove that you can turn lemons into lemonade. Stop the drama wheel now. Step away from relationships and experiences that drop you down to the battles of the lower emotional world.

I know a gal who has endless battles with infinite problems. She keeps them brewing on a back burner, telling people about them over and over again. She would benefit from using self-discipline and learning how to meditate properly for overcoming depression.

Sometimes you've just got to kick up your heels and celebrate all you have now!
Sometimes you’ve just
got to kick up your heels
and celebrate all you have now!

Listen to me, if you are like her, this will not raise your energy vibe. It is more like a gambler shooting craps with a hopeful wish that something good might come from the muddle of life, and hey, once in a while it does.

Awaken grateful for your good health and your good home and the people in your life who love you and play with you. Even if you feel like some of this is a stretch, do it anyway. If you are alive, even if you are very sick you have something to be grateful for.

  • Learn from the masters and continue to create new dreams to fulfill.Boredom with life is most assuredly inviting the Grim Reaper to take your life and vibrancy.
  • Create plans that are tangible. Forget the ‘pie in the sky’ dreams for now. I want you to be able to understand how you will get from here to there, and by working backwards from the future dream fulfilled to the present day, you will uncover your path to greatness.

When I lead my Accelerate Wealth from the Inside Out program during the first few days, I often notice that my students are working pie in the sky dreams. With the help of some amazing tools students quickly learn how to get their energetic body vibing with the vision, and also the physical tools and circumstances clarify for fully embodied grounded manifestation.

Receive our bonus 7 Day Wealth Acceleration Jumpstart Here: http://julierenee.com/8047-2/

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