We have had a very tough time these past two weeks. We’re not through the woods yet—dear Adelia is still struggling, and all of us are coughing. On Christmas Eve, we went to church along with 1,000 others. The following Sunday, there were only about 50 people in church, as it seems the entire village got sick.
Along with the very, very weird illness, I had the opportunity to investigate a complex curse.
We have continued all our good habits, including nightly Bible reading and family prayer. One of our topics this week was Jesus washing the feet of His disciples. In the children’s story we read, Jesus said, “Now that I have done this for you, do it for each other.” Little Henry took it to heart, washing both Adelia’s and Mommy’s feet. He is practicing to be a man of honor.
I hope to return to class this week. Miss you oodles!