In our Goddess Rejuvenation program, we did a full regeneration of the parts of a woman that are involved in reproduction, and along with that, we began to also notice the preciousness of all the working parts of the low belly. 

There is so much happening in the low belly area the uterus, ovaries, and sex glands. We can see that with these set low, life does not continue. Setting these areas higher would still want the bladder function to be set at peak and the digestive processes of the low belly to be in wonderful form and function. And of course, the pelvic bones must as well be in fine order for the ‘cradle of life’ to do what is fully meant to do, support the existing life of the woman, and create such a sanctuary space of safety, warmth, and the perfect place to begin life, protected from the pains of the outer world. 

The nestling space has come under the ongoing reduction of function and ability as the age for fertility and childbearing continues to shrink. One of the reasons for a reduction of fertility may lay in the loss of value of human life as sacred and precious. 

Are women’s rights, and the defense of late-term or even day after birth abortions harming our ability to be fertile and reproduce brilliant offspring? 

As I prepared for our regeneration class I was pulling up images of stem cells of the ovaries and uterus. I was saddened to pull up many uses of aborted fetus-sourced stem cells for all kinds of therapies including facelift and labia revitalization. pages and pages of images of what is being done with the aborted fetus stem cells rolled out Infront of me. 

Who uses aborted fetus tissue? Skincare was big on the list, food additives like the senomyx flavor enhancer found in so much of the popular foods and even ground human bone now found in organic flour, cake mixes. Starbucks, Pillsbury, Frito-Lay, Coke. There are cannibal restaurants in the US and Europe I am aware of that serve tender human flesh…this is from the abortion industry. 

Ingesting, eating, applying to yourself, tissue from what once was a human, this is a satanic ritual. using these products and services is supporting the satanic rule. 

2022 is the year dedicated to Life based on purity and truth. It is a year of detoxifying our being so that we become once more aligned with who God created us to be, moving away from the evils of the world. 

I am aware there is a consequence to participating in the immorality of harvesting fetuses to use in food and beatify products, I believe we are seeing it in the shortening of fertility abilities.