
To start living your powerful, enduring, wealthy, happy and in-love-with-your-life “life”, you’ll need to clean house in your perception. This includes your mindset, emotions, influential group mind and thought forms. You need to open to your biggest, best self to allow the vision of the Quantum Mind to permeate all parts of you.


Here’s why it’s so important: Once you’ve achieved a level of clarity, focus and momentum, you’ll want to support that process with a healthy lifestyle. If you’ve been living with a perception that is not entirely yours, it means that you are living an inauthentic life. It weakens your voice in the world. It weakens your power and your impact with others. Imagine setting yourself into that special category of people who are living life, not only full on, but who are totally in charge of all aspects of life. In essence, you become the director of your own journey.

Everything is possible. There are no limitations just endless possibilities.



The second part of your Divine Human Blueprint for restoring your unstoppable Quantum Mind and life is your Essence. Take a moment and feel into your spirit. Spirit is you – your essence – that which comes with you, whether you are in or out of the body.

You don’t have to be religious to understand the workings of your spirit. If you are religious or spiritual, what I am going to tell you next may surprise you. Your Human Essence is comprised of three important elements: Human Spirit, Soul and Life force.

  1. Human Spirit needing care and repair from time to time. Essence is, as described earlier, that which is with you whether you are in or out of your body. It is your light, your information, your presence.
  2. Human Soul. We have in our culture mistakenly used the word, “soul,” to describe spirit. Your soul is different than spirit. Your soul is the protective chalice of spirit. It is like a thick skin surrounding and protecting your light. It wanes or reduces in strength and size when you are unwell or under attack.
  3. Life force. Though you might have imagined life force as part of your energy body, it does indeed belong in Human Essence. When your life force is low, you will feel weak. Simply by pumping your life force up using a quantum energy technique, your strength, vitality and energy can come right back. Literally, this reversal can happen in a matter of minutes.



Matter is the human body, cells, glands, and organs, and the fluid, bones, and ligaments that form the body you live in. Let me say clearly: It doesn’t matter what shape you are in, physically or otherwise. There are a set of principles, keys and practices that surround living in a human body. You were created with an accessible design and were meant to be able to “self-diagnose and self-restore.”

YOU HAVE TO OWN YOUR BRAIN AND BODY COMPLETELY. You have to then own and live in your body – cells, glands, and organs – 100%. And finally, to really get to the place where you can be fully in charge and powerful, you have to be the Quantum Mindset that supports your healthy body. This includes your brain, nervous system, and all other systems, glands, organs, and every part of you that forms what we call, “matter.” This is your ticket to freedom and a life fully empowered.

Using the Divine Human Blueprint, your brain and body will be a primary source of joy and empowerment for you. You’ll have the opportunity to up-level your health to the highest human potential. Feeling great all the time, and being able to access the Divine Human Blueprint when something seems to be off, will give you an unstoppable and unending advantage in work, home, family, and love. Most importantly, your quantum mindset and healthy body will be the access point for going deeper into the fulfillment of your dreams. Wealth, fame, contribution, finding your soulmate, investing, running a marathon, becoming a marketing master or a bestselling author – whatever your big dreams are – they can only happen when your Quantum mindset and 100% healthy body can support your future vision.

When you are in charge of and ‘own’, your matter (matter comprises all parts of your physical body), if you are an entrepreneur or business person (or want to be), you have something very powerful to bring to the table. You can actually offer your gifts in tangible and manifested ways, because you are physically and fully present; you are really there.

Don’t let impatience or a “hurry up” mentality get the better of you. This can take you out of the game so fast. There is enough time, energy, and love to get you back to you. By pacing yourself, you are telling yourself there is no emergency, that you are not on high alert, and that you will not be moving onto the next new thing if this doesn’t work. Instead, you are living naturally with the knowledge that you are changing, your mind is working better and you are growing healthier and younger with each passing day. You trust in the Universe. You trust in your body to restore itself.

Once you have established great health, quantum mindset, and increased your energy, you will naturally go deeper into the fulfillment of your life’s purpose and mission in the most meaningful and creative ways. You will be operating from a vantage point of being fully funded, and your own energetic field will support you like never before.



Once you have the right mindset and emotions in place, your perception has shifted, you’ve gathered a possibly fragmented Spirit, Soul and reduced Life Force and brought it back up to 100% and you’ve accessed the Divine Human Blueprint formula to restore all aspects of the physical body (matter) to its very, very best self, what’s the next step?

The final step is all about getting your energy up to your peak performance. You need energy. You always need to have energy fueling your body. And it’s easy when you know the simple steps to make it happen.

Our spirit informs our DNA, even as we are cells dividing in our mother’s womb, as to how to set up the game of life. Our life force activates as we separate from our mother’s life force at the time of our birth. Once perception and essence are made right, matter – the human body in all its complexity – must be addressed. Finally, our energy body, and the fuel we need to keep our physical body alive, is addressed. Energy is originally designed by spirit programming, sent into the DNA and grown after the body emerges from the passage of birth. The energy body develops largely in the first seven years of life. Energy Includes: chakras, aura, golden rings, meridians, nadies and human spirit access portal.

Now we get to realms and bring the work out of theory into reality.



The fifth aspect of the 100% Healthy Divine Human Blueprint is divided into four unique areas, each related to the other. You will see why we have them lumped together as I explain more to you.

The Realms affecting humanity are unseen and powerfully influential.

The four Realms are:

  1. Origin is where we came from and starts from the beginning of humanity. This realm dates back to original perception even before human spirit. This realm encompasses both historical and pure truth. It cannot be altered, as it just plainly “is.” It is our guidepost and a true Omega. It is our record, our history of fulfillment.
  2. Amplification is, in effect, like ripples emanating from a pebble thrown into a pond, yet far more powerful. In this expanding realm, not unlike our expanding universe, more is possible. This realm is related also to Genesis. It is spontaneous. It is a realm that is ultimately the precursor to energy.
  3. Quantum is the realm of no time, no space, connection, and oneness. Human mastery provides a powerful quantum field surrounding the master – altering, bending, shifting, eliminating, and moving through time, space, health, wealth, love and all things we can imagine. It includes all things beyond imagination.
  4. Embodiment is what allows us as human spirit to take form in a human body. The normal way to experience the realm of embodiment is to be born as an infant to parents. Some yogis are able to move in and out of the realm of embodiment, taking their corporeal bodies with them into different fields of existence, and return, appearing the same as when they left us.

Truthfully, you don’t really need to know much about the realms, very little in fact, to activate the Divine Human Blueprint and get yourself going in the direction of your “100% healthy, happy, wealthy, and in-love-with-your-life” life. The realms support the Blueprint as you may have already noticed. Most importantly, to understand the realms, notice in the area of perception, if there is anything that is getting in the way of you having a full, rich relationship with each of them. In other words, are you limited in being supported by one, or all of them, based on programs in perception or elsewhere in the Divine Human Blueprint? If so, these are areas you will correct.

To me, the combined information of the realms is really the magic chalice that supports your healthy body and life.

Note: the more you activate the Blueprint, in other words, focus your intentions on the full experience of the 100% Healthy formula, the more rapidly things in your life will improve. Talk about walking around and sparkling…you will become a bright beacon of light, guiding all your dreams to you effortlessly.

The Divine Human Blueprint will literally kick start your vitality, your career, and your love life, all at once. It will save you months or even years of struggle, instead of going endlessly from one health practitioner, business coach or therapist until you are overwhelmed with hopelessness and exhaustion. Instead, you will live and breathe in the light of blessedness and grace.

How much is that worth to you?