I will be doing more research on this, but the answer is yes to energetic handlers for people who say have illuminati bloodline.  My friend CS, with RH-negative blood, was sure from childhood that she was being watched. And she had a lot of evidence to prove this was true. Another student just this morning I tested had illuminati bloodline I had helped her clear, she had 4 handlers since birth because of her nefarious bloodline. I tested that  I had 7 handlers,4 Arcturian and 3 once humanoid now just consciousness.  I also asked; did Henry have? I got yes, but as he left the CPS system next week, those would no longer affect him. 

A handler looks like a controller or a control being. It doesn’t allow, for example, a relationship of a high frequency to happen or a God-aligned job to manifest ever in one’s life. They can be cleared with a reverse half-moon. I found there were 26 origins of handlers and they are all in the same column in the master chart.