As we continue to explore the unique directions we have been designed with, it is important to explore what our personal blueprint does and how it all works. These topics are deeply explored in the mastery programs both Activate and Ignite deep dive.



Personal Etheric Overlay is the energetic replication of what should exist on a physical level in the body. It exists one dimension up from the dimension our body exists in. for example, if in the 4th dimension as a body, PB exists in the 5th dimension.


In service of life truth function

Supports and reflects your frequency

This blueprint is a gift from God


Largely it is the blueprint of organs, limbs


It is not embodiment, not soul, spirit, presence, or high self

DNA is not part of this


How does it serve life?

The personal blueprint engages 2 weeks prior to birth a map to the developing organs and limbs. (to compare, spirit is very related and active with the fetus by the 5th week of gestation). If damage is done: illness, injury, the blueprint holds the overlay of information to restore and repair in some cases grow back. It continues to exist till 3 days after the death of the body. (this is interesting, the references to raising the dead, both Lazarus and Christ, are in the 3 day period.) after 3 days, it simply dissolves


How does it serve truth?

This is the pure overlay of what is your true physical potential. Illness is not true; on some level, it is delusion or a lie; when we fully know our state of existence in brilliant youthful, vibrant, and alive, the PB can fully activate. It contains the power to activate life.


How does it serve function?

When something in the body lowers in function, the purpose of the PB is to restore the low functioning area to its full function. Thus, it is the natural upleveler you were designed with.


How does it support and reflect frequency?

As an overlay, it stabilizes frequency, so as you move through your daily experiences low and high, your frequency stays relatively consistent.  

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