One Day Change your brain change your life! I activate the divine human blueprint for each individual that I work with to help them regenerate cells, glands and organs and feel really awesome in their body. And that’s so exciting to me. For example, just the other day I was working with a dear friend Karen, who is a public speaker. And we had bumped into each other and she was just not having a good time. And said she had been feeling like she needed to do a session with me. So we scheduled her right away. And by regenerating the whole brain, the five brains, and clearing her patterns and program around work, she was able to, in a few days, after having her brain go up to 100%, then these patterns cleared, book a couple speeches. And she hadn’t been able to book any speeches for like five months. how to attract money. So it was like this huge win for her. And it excites me to see people get into their 100% healthy, life which means living full on and feeling really great in their body. But really being effective, and producing really awesome results. You know, one of the things I’ve noticed in the last few weeks, cause I have been working with quite a few speakers, is that these gals come to me and they’re in whatever pattern they’re in, you know. The economy is a little difficult. And you’d think that you’s want to go right to the patterns to correct the patterns. But that’s not the case. You wanna fix the brain first. And by fixing the brain first we notice that people charge twice as much the day after they’ve had their brain clearing with me and they’re able to get booked. And there’s this new refreshed attitude so their house gets cleaned. Their office gets reorganized. And like life gets clear and in focus and that really excites me. It excites me to see powerful women being able to step into their power.

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