God of creation, God of purity and truth, God of life and light.
We call upon your holy name, Elohim, Trinity, mother, father God, Jesus Christ, holy Spirit, come.
We ask for your presence and strength. We ask for your mercy and forgiveness. We ask for your power to transform us, to remove those evil nefarious operations that bring our form function, tone, frequency down in heart, and the whole function of the heart and all the working mechanisms of the heart.
The circulation, the veins, and all the working mechanisms in the veins and the blood, the white and red blood cells, the fluid all the components and elements of healthy, of vibrant, brilliant, beautiful, glorious blood, and of the incredible plumbing system, of the lymphatic system of how clean and beautiful it works, that it, it just flushes naturally and easily into the organs that receive the lymph, including the liver and including the kidneys, including the toxins being released through the skin and out just washed away. So just seeing the systems that we are addressing today.
God, we ask also that there be such a God fire and a true brightness in our body, that we are returning to the original God’s state of God’s sourced creation in the areas of heart circulation and lymph and the function of the fluid in the lymph, the function of the fluid in the veins, the function of the muscles of the heart, the electric aspect of the heart, the intelligence and the brilliance of the heart. God restore us to who you created us to be in all layers. And even when we don’t understand everything that’s working and going on with these areas, we are asking that you help us if we’ve forgotten to ask something, or if we were just completely unconscious of an unaware of the true function of each of these components.
Thank you, God, for giving us such grace and such mercy. Thank you for allowing us to be in a life of joy, allowing us to release pain and suffering, allowing us to and fully clearing trauma so that we might remember the learning of trauma, but not the grief or the struggle of trauma.
God. we pray for the crisis at our border. We pray for the border agents. We pray that they might be strong and intelligent and that you might send the Golden Legion to protect them. We pray that there be an end to the invasion at the border, and just a total removal, a ridiculous alien invasion that’s been played out in the news to take people off of the notion of a crisis at the border where millions of people are flooding through who are part of gangs and being released from mental institutions and jails into our American borders. We just pray that that come to an end and that these people be removed from our country, that they not be allowed to continue to stay here. Also, we pray as they build up the border wall and the border patrol that there be a new sense of safety and a new standard of safety and that there be a removal of people who are diabolical, moic, satanic, demonic evil, that they be entirely removed from the communities that we live in and from our, our country. We pray for the children being born who are drug-addicted. We pray that they might be received into loving homes where they can be nurtured and cared for. And we pray that there be an end to the evil in the foster systems where there are people who just work the system and do harm to the children.
We pray for the trafficked children that they might find safety and security that they might return to their families and that they might live lives, productive lives and be restored. And the traumas that they’ve endured might dissipate. Well, they are welling up with hope and excitement and joy about life. God, make our hearts right, make our intelligence from the heart, right. Align our hearts with the spirit of truth. Align our hearts with mercy and compassion. Align our hearts with forgiveness and ease. Let us live in the nourishment of blood, of rich oxygenated blood. And I see the act of Christ coming into the world and sacrificing his blood. But as we imagine that pure God, blood, we imagine it in Christ, we can imagine it in ourself that pure God blood, that high, high-frequency blood that truly nurtures the body in its entirety and the mind in its entirety. All the organs and limbs just completely being fed in just such an incredible miracle.
We welcome in the Golden Legion, the goddesses of light, the angels, all of the angels the light brigade. We welcome in sentient beings from the earth, including the water beings beings, and consciousness from other realms and dimensions. Lord Jesus Christ and his following Mother, Mary, the Marias and guardians of the blueprint. We welcome you all to our en our community, energetic and physical. We ask that if any of these activations might help our and support are energetic community, that they might be recipients of this beauty and purity, that God is showering onto us. God, we ask that you 100% fuel this transformation and make this the most powerful activation that we have ever received. Thank you God for hearing our prayer, for loving us so much. We, we glorify you and we praise your name, singing Holy, holy, holy Lord God, most high heaven and earth are full of your glory. And as we claim God on earth, heaven and earth are full of your glory, and we are receiving your glory in this moment.
Amen. Amen and Amen.