As I ready myself for a trip to the Woodlands in Texas for some serious house hunting, and prepare to put my home on the market, I am also creating clearings and resets for both shifts that will ensure a smoother move.
If you have the skill to make a clearing chart, that is really most optimal. Since I am working on multiple transformations, making at least 2 charts, identifying the key blockages to fulfillment and clearing can be incredibly helpful.
First list the whys in a positive statement reasons for shifting/what you will accomplish.
In our case.
Example one: Beautiful happy home environment, great kitchen, office with views, play space outdoors, strong friendly neighborhood, safe and secure, close to wonderful creative schools, tax improvements low/no, friendly welcoming, easy to fit in with great resources for activities and exercise inside and out.
Example two: Easy transition with new occupants loving the home and its amenities, relaxed sale and closing at a strong price in a short time, friendly respectful agents and title company laughter ease, good financial remunerations. Easy helpful movers, who make moving effortless, transitions to new bank, school, community, insurance, drivers license, passport, all easy effortless and flowing one after another making the transition joyous and fun filled!
Use each of these intentions to create a clearing statement and then to identify the challenges on the master chart (this is provided to our mastery students) and finally do the second activation under each of the charts for the new activation in-service of the light and purity, and the 19 items we are using to activate the highest level of truth and purity for the out come.
Then you need to take the actions that will support the shifts and changes. Look, ask questions, test, will this produce a great result for me in each area, and will it also produce a great outcome for all those involved, for example my daughter, or the new home buyers?
Use meditation time each morning, as a time to establish the vision in mockups, spend time feeling into the joy of the transformation. Get your intention field and joyfield in high gear for landing this wonderful new adventure.
Finally as you have an idea come up, make an action question list. How will this issue work out what research do I need to do before I move ahead?…having a list can also very much serve to circumvent a negative outcome.
Finally include God, and prayer, from the start and along each step of the journey. What ever you have forgotten to include, ask for assistance. Keep your God communication at high, read one daily scripture, even just one verse that can help carry you on your journey with God focus, purity, truth love at its highest setting!
If you have a change in front of you, make it an opportunity for a move in your ascension process. Think how can I not forget my true nature, my God connection and the joy I rightly will enjoy in the days to come?
Happy Sunday!