As I have looked at the energies associated with primordial energies, they seem to be more aligned with raw power, power for the sake of power and not for the sake of transformation.

In last week’s Sunday newsletter I discussed the primordial energies, that the energy itself is neither good or bad, just energy. That from the ancient Hindu traditions you would use specific mantras and prayers to unlock the powers to help you accomplish something. This does not involve evolving, growing in wisdom or becoming a better person. There is a practice to acquire primordial energy. 

Quantum Transformation is quite different. You unlock the power of the quantum field through improving yourself and your spiritual nature. It is dependent on frequency of you being at the level of unconditional love or higher to shift in any significant way. Your golden rings halo light up and expand as you gain in your deepening spiritual nature. The field is wired into you, not something you find outside yourself. As we have spoken of in classes, we are all part of a field of particles vibrating, we rearrange how they are vibrating for a better circumstance. 

Quantum Field is a beautiful feature of your human design, and a supporting realm to help you create miracles. The field of oneness and miraculous transformation. We are all part of this field.  Based on the frequency of our vibrations and thoughts/intentions we are able to rearrange how our personal field is vibrating for a better result 

Quantum technologies help us transforms through:

  • Matter (Physical and Body) Chemistry, Intelligence processing centers, Sensory in/out, Memory, DNA, Physical force
  • Energy system silver thread which is in the main part of the body associated with the nerves

And finally, the nature of quantum is miraculous! 

Primordial energies   

Was this primordial energy ever wired into our blueprint? No. so what is it, how does it work and why are the results often scary and inhuman? It appears Serpent introduced this energy to mankind. We see a story about Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden and the serpent offering the knowledge and power to be god’s equal. God expels them from the garden, if you want to do this you are on your own…this energy is like playing with fire. And it was fire. So much destruction came from this primordial energy being misused. 

So if it wasn’t part of the plan of evolution how did it get introduced to humans and what was the allure? 

I believe it is an energy many aliens are able to control. It functions much like an entitlement rallying the raw energies of this alien energy field. To access the field you have to sacrifice, do due diligence and feed the field. 

Phantom Satan Devil Synthetic Demon Reptoid Amphiumidae 

It runs through perception: engagement, precognition and psychic in matter: systems operations, sensory in/output and light of cell and with energy systems auric field, pillar, golden thread, miracle energy. 

The nature of this primordial energy is suppression. 

When I look at the bloodlust and adrenochrome tragedy, the human and sex trafficking, I do see a correlation of gaining this primordial power, and in these cases used in very dark, evil, terrible ways. 

Life is not black or white, good or bad there are many variations to human life. I think though with this primordial power it is a bit like giving matches to a baby, meaning if  humankind is still playing in such dark places experimenting with the worst of the worst behaviors,  it is unfortunate we have access currently to primordial energy.

Although I would not like to be the spiritual police, I do feel we must neutralize the harm being done and the powers being established and wielded by wrong doers.  

To accomplish this shift in energies is a dance. Without putting controls on the “bad efforts and individuals’ but disappearing their support power and approval is what we will do. 

Life is getting better. I feel it. It is so deeply shocking and sad we as a race find yourself with such difficult behaviors or certain groups of leadership and celebrity. I wept this morning and released a great deal of sorrow for the situation with the women and children. 

What I saw years back was that we would shift to a whole new world. In this new world everyone would be transparent and the value of a person was in their goodness and contribution. That time is now. We have some growing pains to move through to get there and we will accomplish our goals with the help of God and the Angels.