In our 3 live stream training’s this week we have sought to deepen our understanding of the circumstances of trauma and isolation felt across the globe. There seem to be many incongruencies to what is being reported and what is actually happening.

I have been blessed to see the truth of what is happening with humanity for now 6 lifetimes, and have grown to understand certain truths I have come to understand in every age. Primordial energy is neither good nor evil, it is energy. The individuals who access it however and ultimately direct this energy, can really mess it up, and wrestle it to dark action and activities.

John of God. I was deeply shocked and saddened to hear that this powerful healer who had healed many was doing demonic activity, with sex slaves and selling babies murdering the women after 10 years. There is something so deeply wrong with this picture, and certainly the people around him saw it, they must have. So how does this power come into being? How does someone with such evil predilections gain access to such power?

Always existing is primordial energy, it is not owned by light or darkness it is energy. There is a story about Brahma the ancient Hindu father god who gave boons (blessings and power) to anyone who said the right prayers and activated his power properly. Ultimately some pretty bad folks gained power to cause tsunamis and earthquakes and in the legends, the 2 younger HIndu gods to got together and stopped Brahma but not before he had a daughter and forced her to be his consort. This was the last draw and what caused Shiva and Vishnu to rescue Saraswati, brahma’s daughter from her father and to disempower the ancient Brahma god to lose his power to bestow boons. The only power they left him was for restoring fertility. Shiva was said to have the power now of creation and destruction and vishnu the power of love devotion. Both of them also fallible and powers still went to people who used it for ill. As well though the primordial power went for good often.

There is ancient primordial power. This power seems to be discovered and used by the darkness these days more then not. What we are doing in every clearing is neutralizing and dis empowering the individuals and groups mis using power. People who are more in the light are misunderstanding this power as evil. This is raw power. To demonize the power is a mistake, it doesn’t have a nature it is straight raw undefined power. The power is not good or bad, how the power is used, where it is directed and perhaps what evil is directing it;s use is the challenge.

Group process and million person prayer gone wrong. So now we look at those who say they are committed to good. What happens when you are on a summit and you listen to a group process and end up with dark energies and spiritual interferences in your space? We talked a bit about the premise of a summit, to bring folks together, seduce them into buying a product or program. Like all ‘marketing’ the lower aspect is seduction and delusion. Getting you to believe along with others about an idea or process Like group mind or group mnd virus and then agree to give some of your resources to this group belief. A few years back with my immersion students we went through all the summit people who were selling programs and were surprised to actually see the harm they are doing with their program, we got no over and over again with the question ‘should I work with this one or that?’. A perfect example of that was this big group prayer done a week back where the prayer energy was hijacked and did not go to help the plight of human kind. How could prayer go awry? If the energy of the organizers was to build their list and was more about taking advantage of the fear, rallying people to to give energy…much like what the old system of guru did which bult power.

We have been clearing discernment and over the next weeks in the academy we’ll be working on being able to better understand how to move forward, who to trust and how to activate your own personal discernment so that you can always know this is a good place to put my energy or no this is not a place to share my gifts and time.