I have worked diligently this week without live classes to prepare many wonderful new opportunities and bring some of what needs to be updated up to date.

New Retreat details: The Miraculous Expansion of Love Dec 2 -7 

  • Day 1: Love Fortification of my God Fire Increasing my Power and Potency
  • Day 2: Receiving & Recognizing God’s love for ‘me’ Personally
  • Day 3: Incinerating Broken-Hearted Trauma from Prebirth to the Present
  • Day 4: Incinerating the impact of violence & abuse on my ability to show up love & be loved
  • Day 5: Freedom to enjoy Friendships where I am more ‘advanced’ in my understanding
  • Day 6: Family-releasing hurts, unmet expectations, disappointments & traumas


New Grace Program:

  • Archangel Michael, one of the Elah: A Successful plan for dealing with battle fatigue,  How to replenish after a long-run battle, and the energetic game of staying at your best. He has been working with me for 52 years. Oct
  • Advanced Human from God. Cloud 9: Theme Dimensional and Intentional Love, Expanding conscious awareness. Has been working in our community 2 years, Dec
  • A Group Consciousness Restoration Signature: Serving 4 years in the light brigade, our work and efforts in restoration, and how to assist effectively in restoration after severe trauma. Feb


Exciting New Labor Day Opportunity:

  • Angels Speak: 8 interviews incredible information shared watch your inbox Labor day!


Pure Potentials has exciting new updated programs to round out the 2024 programming! New descriptions and videos reflect all the changes in the way we approach clearings now.

  • Express Yourself: Full Self-Expression September 4, 2024
  • The Deception of Holidays: How to Discern Truth Amidst Cultural Mores October 2, 2024
  • Celebrating Sexuality Pure & Beautiful November 6, 2024
  • The Complete Money Manifesto December 04, 2024


Beautiful  From the Inside Out meets The Activate Mastery program! Starts in September

  • 8 full weeks of beautiful clearings and 8 weeks of Heart song activations are offered to all mastery participants with an opportunity to join and try out the mastery program for the graduate tuition for 4 months!!!! Watch for coming details on how to enroll if you are not currently part of the mastery program

I had a chance to refresh most of our videos and bring the About page current, working a bit on entry to the website. All in all, it was a super productive week.

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