Years ago, I was asked to be part of a remote viewing team. At the time I had already helped locate and rescue several children and had helped the FBI in a Taliban investigation. I was not opposed to helping authorities, but this felt like a strong no for me and I refused to do remote viewing. 

Remote viewing uses the psychic part of presence. It can use precognition and telepathy. Depending on the viewer they may view just from the center of the head or project their presence into what they are observing. 

Remote viewing is done with a team of viewers 3-14 individuals each are given the same topic – area to observe and then reports their impressions to a data collector. 

An energetic field is formed between the viewers, meant to enhance the accuracy and detail of the gathered information. It is related just to present time activities. 

Remote viewing is spying. It is observing another or others without their permission.

Demonic forces use this, angelic forces do not use this. 

The frequency of remote viewing is 70. 

Does this cause harm to the remote viewer? Yes

1. The viewer may develop the skill of viewing, but loses ownership and authority of his psychic observations, which are now owned by a governing body. 

Alien’s that may be using people with this skill: Snake, Arachnoid, Amphibian, Amphibudae, Humanoid: Arcturian Pleiadean Grey, Phantom, Synthetic. 

This interference is parasitical and observing and the humans who are doing this are read as parasitical demonic deceptive, the viewer’s energy is lowered to match the group.