When Folks sell a program, even when it is supposedly a helpful spiritual program, understand most marketing is done with charm and an element of deception. The idea is to get you to buy something. Some level of promising is done, and so often, with marketing, you do not have the full picture.

* I want to mention we moved out of marketing a few years ago into enrolling. This means we are looking for a program that will meet your needs, with no fancy words or deceptions. We do not call our program pages sales pages; we call them enrollment pages.

Here is an example of someone with a list promoting something they read was good and our gentle response.

Dear So and so,

I got this from one of my students with a longer message:

‘A summit many of us have followed is promoting the Rx%4@ Ex$#@ program again – the one that teaches how to do “Match.”

This technique is very harmful to the person they are matching, in the last round I personally spent a few weeks peeling off the matching folks who had exerted themself into my body and field

I don’t know this person/program creator, but what they are teaching is really not good. Would you mind not promoting this?

Summit person response:

Yes, we can do definitely promote something else.  I don’t mind.

However, they are teaching this program to help people mirror the successful actions of people whom they admire, respect, etc.

It is merely taking the traits you see in others that you admire and finding them in YOUR own core traits and values.  It’s not ‘stealing’ them or going into someone’s energy field to take them.

Could someone use it in the wrong way?  Probably. But that can be said for many things.

But I’ll review it and speak with xxx about this as well.

I have no problem offering something else as well

And my response:

I think it is valuable to know more. What you have read or have been told is not all of what happens.

As a recipient of this admiration, here is how it affected me:

  1. 6 people projected their presence in me. Presence is part of their energetic self
  2. With that, my frequency was lowered, kind of like I was bathing in mud energetically
  3. 153 cords were sent into me
  4. My auric field darkened
  5. About 45 folks with lower energy brought stuff with them into my space, so I was clearing round-the-clock stuff that wasn’t related to me for four weeks. Honestly, I didn’t immediately understand why this was happening, and with several students filling in the blanks, I was able to discern where this was coming from this training.

I never think it’s a good idea to do this, to admire and match another it activates intention desire longing none are particularly pure

I understand it is not stealing it is though at best extremely impolite, It is invasive.  I have not, nor would I ever give my permission to match me. None of these folks contacted me to get permission to match me but are doing it because someone is telling them it is fine to do. That is an authority issue as well.

Here are the additional issues that should be looked at and are problematic with this type of matching


death is better

I am this



Control Projection Energy Transference

High minded

Anxiety overlay


Finally, I am love-based and would not do this, but in response to this invasion, another could easily just give a good hard, energetic whack to the invasion or put control beings in their space to prevent them from doing more harm to others.

This was a very peaceful communication.

  1. A student reached out concerned about an issue I had worked with her on and asked me to help
  2. I reached out to the promoter and asked if they were willing not to promote
  3. They responded with the promotion statement and a willingness
  4. I responded humbly with my personal experience and facts


I thought it was useful to share this so we could look at two issues


  1. Peacefully address an issue of concern
  2. Notice that marketing may not always give you the whole picture of what is happening, that you want to, if possible, read between the lines.

In this program, they promise you can magically get the higher frequency, skill, gifts from a more evolved person than yourself by matching them. Does that sound right? You didn’t learn it or earn it; how could you maintain it? Why skip the process of learning and growing? Why would you want to?

In this fast-food magical thinking world, understand you will not get a high-quality meal or a high-quality shift done like this.