While working on myself this week I was drawn to look at who am I as an identity?This became a wonderful topic of pursuit and discussion in classes. This ideation came up previously while challenged to have my authority, especially with my daughter. When researching it I had only 70% authority, which naturally led to difficulties in parenting.  Since I have raised the bar in authority Right permission and ability to complete authority in myself, in all areas of life, gosh life has changed. 

So seeing this I began to question another part of authority, identity. Which ultimately concluded I am love , joy and beauty expressing. This then opens yet another door. We have to date really worked deeply and exquisitely in the areas of the blueprint restoration of 100%.For example, Essence and Perception one by one have been brought to fullness in our advanced training’s. But having never specifically worked on right permission and ability to have use and incorporate each area, I was drawn to look at my own numbers and my daughters.

 This was an eye opening and honestly a surprise. So we did each time put RPA at the beginning of each chart, but did not work them one by one. 

I’ll share a few of these with you as a learning tool:

I also think it is so interesting to look at the level of power I wield in the quantum field and on the earth and how my own will and intention overrides these programs. I have honed my ability to 100% regardless of who or what including my astrology that would have me unable to live at this point. Parents and genetic line, religion, land and governance, astrology and cycles all play a role in how these numbers are read. I have been working the list in its entirety, about 32 areas. My decision is to bring each ownership and RPA to 100% so there is no struggle. 

I’ve worked all 32 areas for 13 hours so far Here are some of the shifts I have created:

If you refer to the first chart you will see the DNA RPA is super low. Why? I tested this was true across the board for humanity. We were meant not to touch it or alter it. And yet for the last 14 years I have been working for the good in the DNA of thousands of participants and been getting incredible results. I think this might have been an overall safeguard to prevent the catastrophic mess humankind created in both the Atlantean and Lemurian eras. 

We are not meant to splice our DNA with a got or a bull. We are not meant to mutate our DNA with impurities in the air water food and vaccinations we are subject to. I know we can do things, I know science has many gifts and can create stuff that kind of wows the mind, but we are not meant to mutate or defile what we have, but to clear away all that is not our true and beautiful self. 

The RPA neutralizing and clearing issues holding us back can be done on everything in the charts and on any challenge, you are facing. It is not the whole answer, but it is a piece of the puzzle I know will be helpful as we seek spiritual energetic and biological sovereignty in this wonderful new era. 

As we look inside ourselves to discover what in our inner world does not match with what we seek to create and live into; we shift up. Our set points shift up. This action helps p\our global community become a lighter, brighter, more welcoming palace to be!

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