Jill: Hi, I’m Jill Lublin with Miraculous Living, and I’m here today with Roland and Christine, and we’re going to be sharing the miracles they’ve been creating this weekend at Julie Renee’s Miraculous Living Workshop. Roland, I saw your eyes open, tell us about that.

Roland: I’m Roland Ratner, and I came to Julie Renee to repair or heal my eyes. She helped me very much with my left eye, I have a clear view now. I can only recommend her, she helped me very much in the past, it’s Miraculous Living!

Jill: I saw that , and I heard you talk about almost going blind, you felt that was going to happen, and now your eyes are wider open, you can drive better, what else has happened?

Roland: I had dry, macular degeneration, and Julie Renee helped me to put it down to 30%.

Jill: Beautiful, you must be feeling great?!

Roland: I feel very great, and very grateful to her.

Jill: Thank you. Christine, I know you’ve been here all weekend with your beautiful husband. What’s happened for you?

Christine: I’ve had healings all over. I belong to the Apprenticeship Program, and I have been here for six months now, and it is amazing. I had my eyes worked on to a few months ago they worked on my left eye and now they just had to change my glasses because I can see much better with it.

Jill: I know you were saying that you were part of the apprenticeship program that Julie Renee has and what are some of the benefits you have seen since the time you have worked with her.

Christine: I have seen, as I said, my eyes and my whole body. I am 75 years old and I am going into this with a very open mind. I am very excited about it. I am in the medical field. I am a nurse and I just want to learn this. I want to spread it and I want to tell people about it and help people. This is just unbelievable. I am very grateful to Julie Renee and I hope everyone comes back and we have more healings.

Jill: Thank you. Especially as a nurse you witness beautiful things happening every day and here you are training with one of the master healers. What are you going to do to bring that into your work and help others?

Christine: I sneak it in once in a while. When babies cry I try to calm them down, especially c-sections you can do a lot of things. I ask people if I can do hands on healings and they very grateful. I am very excited about it.

Jill: They are lucky to have you. Thank you both very much. Glad you were here today to share what’s happened for you.

Christine & Roland: Thank you Julie Renee!