“The state that you are in, in any given moment determines your perception of reality and thus your decisions and behaviors. Your behavior is not a result of your ability but rather the state that you are in, in this moment” Anthony Robbins
Today’s secret Key is that of disciplining the mind to stay forward moving and positive regardless of how your outer circumstances are flowing in the moment.
Are you diving down the rabbit hole or are you reaching towards the heavens?
There was a point in my life where I decided to call an end to drama. My life was full of extremely difficult circumstances with long term cancer treatment, a severe pain condition, a brutal accident that had left me wheel chair bound and an unlucky stream of relationships that never seemed to go the distance and provide for me the safe haven I longed for. I remember that day very clearly. It had occurred to me that even if difficult things were happening, I would choose to find a space of gratitude for the opportunities to grow.
When I made this decision, I had been one of the biggest rabbit hole runners of the century. I would dive down the rabbit hole every chance I got. Let me explain what that means.
Rabbit hole diving behaviors
- Having long conversations with everyone who will listen about how difficult life is.
- Finding other friends to commiserate and listen to everything that is wrong in their life.
- Amplify a problem, churn on it and broadcast it.
- Be the state of ‘poor me I am innocent’ they are at fault.
- Attract more drama partners who were committed to experiencing life difficultly.
When I made this choice to find the wonder and opportunity in my life it was a huge step.
Promises for shifting out of drama
- Focus on the goodness and rightness of everything
- Stop blaming and to take responsibility.
- Stop rehashing the past.
- Quickly end conversations that were taking me down the rabbit hole
- Adopt an attitude of gratitude
When you get off the drama cycle, you take a step in the direction of being a powerful contributor in the world. With your new found power….which is funded by a mind aligned with a loving Universe that is working for your good and the good of all others, you can move rapidly into the state of unconditional love. What you do with this state of being has no limits.
When the mind is focusing on blessings, we can move towards great accomplishment, and the creation of daily miracles. What could you do if you stopped going down your rabbit hole?
Bliss, it’s an inside job!
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