New image of leadership

Leadership through the ending of an era.  An era is passing away. The old patriarchal institutions that were once thriving and driving our economy are not topsy turvey. The astrological age is shifting from an age of dominance and submission to equality and mutual cooperation.

When scanning the Wall Street Journal and business news, we see across the board is that those organizations that are clinging to the old ways are in a fight for their life. Organizations who are searching to find the new setting on their compass by adapting and adjusting are slowly finding their way and continuing to remain viable financial vehicles.

A constant throughout this shifting era is that things will and need to transform. For those who find change uncomfortable and disruptive, now would be a good time to adjust that fixed way of being to one of pliability and mutability.

Large organizations are benefiting from strong leadership directed at shifting with the times. The three things that truly make a leader stand out is this shifting realm are:

1. Strength and direction

A strong leader will emanate strength and direction amidst a tumultuous sea. The corporate environment is shifting at such a rapid pace that one may find themselves steering the rudder and sails to catch the winds and currents of success. When thinking about strength and direction, the Captain of the perfect storm continues to adjust to the circumstances and give his best at every moment.

2. Collaboration and respect

The new breed of leadership leaves dictatorship and anything resembling that in the dust as she or he moves towards honoring and calling forth the best in those they lead and inspire. In the past, they might have left human spirit out of the equation, but in the new era we are called to step it up and bring humanity into the work place. This is not to be confused with co dependence or a form of adult babysitting. We are looking for each individual to step into a greater realm of personal accountability. It’s an exciting time. How our leaders embrace ushering in the new direction will determine how quickly an organization is able to embrace the new realm.

3. Equilibrium and balanced living

A balanced lifestyle for our new realm of leaders, positions a strong foundation for the new work environment. Look for the new leaders to have mastered living a life in balance. They will need to be wise elders in their own right, so their coaching and direction feels strong and true. With this firm foundation we will be led by those who live by what they promote.

The age is changing and so too we will naturally expect our corporate environment to transform. Be strong, awake and focused. Pay attention to the little shifts in your environment. Who are you in relationship to your organization? Are you in the flow, mutable yet strong? Are you able to say you live a life in balance and bring forth a mutually respectful program to your workplace?

A final secret shifter to assisting you in owning your space as a dynamic leader is to approach everything new and surprising with great gratitude. What you will discover is that this extra little g-force emotion will get you through what might have been extremely challenging with a great deal of grace and ease.

It is not a requirement to struggle in this exciting new era. Our mind and our consistent thoughts are largely responsible for how everything in this shift shows up. Use your mind and thoughts as a positive force propelling you forward with great joy and ease. Just like the batter who has already hit the ball into the outfield and up over the fence, he can take his bases with confidence knowing he will make it to home base with ease and confidence.

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