Family and Friends
Family and Friends
Your relationship with the ones you love is such an important factor in having a healthy vibrant abundant life! Rate your satisfaction in this area by measuring your ease and peace with your intimate family and friends. 0% would be feeling totally disconnected and disappointed. You are possibly angry or unresolved around how you thought it should have gone at an earlier stage in life. If you are on this end of the scale you are stuck in your happiness factor with personal relationships in general. You have not yet been able to release the past and take responsibility for how things are in this moment.
!00% means that you are in love with your life and are content with the way you hold your relationships. 100% is feeling over the moon loved and cherished, and fully in your happy space. It does not mean you have to be in love with what might have happened to you in the past but that you have now resolved the issue to the point where you know life is in divine order from your family. Think of this section as how you relate to your tribe, not necessarily your family, but the people that you love and cherish.
On the low end of the scale with family and friends, you will find that the unresolved issues of your past affect your present time relationships. If you have done a lot of therapy, or personal growth work around these unresolved issues, holding onto the past may actually be a spiritual or energetic issue. If that is the case it is not resolvable from mental work, i.e. talking and thinking.
When you have a relationship, any relationship, contacts are formed, agreements are made, energetic chords are plugged in, energy is exchanged and perhaps karma has been generated between you and the other person.
I have developed spiritual healing techniques to clear these entanglements and get you into neutrality.
I was working with a wonderful client, Joyce, who was recovering from Lymes disease and an anxiety disorder. She was such a light and so courageous. She had three young girls was in her mid thirties and had left the Mormon faith to marry.
One of the issues that would loop through our healing sessions was her family relationships, and the discord and disharmony especially between her and her parents, who had both divorced and remarried. To assist her with healing her anxiety and her vibrant health we proceeded to clear all energetic entanglements with her parents, and brothers and sisters.
This happened in perfect timing. She had gone back just prior to the clearing to have a very difficult experience with the family, after the clearing she returned to her family for her Grandmother’s Birthday celebration. Just as a side note I had also been working with her younger sister, though she was not apprised of the clearing we had done for her older sis.
Nothing short of miraculous, the whole family had received the healing and for the first time ever the family members got along beautifully together. Chrissie, her little sister, called me after the fact to find out if I had anything to do with this phenomenon! “It was an absolute miracle Julie Renee, everyone was talking to each other, and we actually let our guard down and were really enjoying each other!‚”
Spiritual entanglements and how to clear them-
A spiritual contract is an agreement you have unconsciously or consciously made that does not go away until it is fulfilled. You could have said let’s grow old together or it could be something implied; for example, you always knew your mother expected you as the oldest daughter to stay with her and take care of her in her old age. So here we have spoken and implied contracts, both can weigh heavily on you until cleared.
Very much like contracts, things that you were in agreement to. These things may no longer have any validity but they may still play like the voice of guilt always curtailing your full enjoyment of life or that particular arena of life.
Energetic cords
The first way we experience cords is when we connect in with our little bodies as a newly forming embryo. We first cord into our own little body and by the time birth takes place we are well corded to our mothers and perhaps our fathers. This is really a life line for us at this point. Mothers are said to have a sixth sense; a lot of times it’s the open cord that is a clear flow of information to mommy about the safety and comfort of you her baby. Since that worked out for you as an infant, it often becomes a habit to cord into the ones you are close to. It is part of human nature. However we really don’t need to be corded into anyone once we reach the age of decision and discernment. Leftover cords often need conscious unplugging to fully complete and clear.
Energy exchange
When you have a strong emotion your energy goes into the person who you are having the feeling about, whether it be love or hate, tenderness or anger, energy from you goes into them and vice versa with their strong emotions. I use a spiritual magnet to pull all the energy out of each of you and return the energy to its original owner. If you are no longer being treasured and have become somewhat invisible in relationship, try magnetizing your energy out of your partners. This really works in most cases. When you have too much energy in someone else’s body, they no longer experience you as a separate individual.
Karma includes all the entanglements from this life time and all the past entanglements from previous lives that were generated between you and your loved one. The bottom line is that we cycle through life times creating unresolved issues. We come back together in hoping we will get it right. Sometimes we do naturally complete karma, but more often than not we just add to the list of unresolved problems to fix in some future life. There is a meditation tool that clears this “karma” permanently!
If you would like to discover more about clearing energetic entanglements you will find several wonderful resources on my website including “The Definitive Guide to Karma Clearing,” . http://julierenee.com/karma-clearing/