Allow Love In.

Julie Renee and Rae Zander talk about health on the radio:
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Your emotional environment is so key to your excellent physical health. How you feel about yourself at any given moment can make a world of difference in how you progress through life, health and vibrant career.

Do you Love Yourself?

This can be quite a stretch for some folks. Maybe you are even asking what does that mean? I am not sure if I love myself or not. Review the following statements and see where you align in this experience of loving yourself.

  1. I love myself exactly the way I am. At any given moment I can try on new habits and behaviors but for today I am thrilled with the version of me I am currently expressing.Questions; what words trigger the yes? What words trigger the no? Is there something you are holding yourself back from expressing? Do you have an idea of being perfect to someone else’s standard running in your space? If so could you let go of perfection and move to blissful celebration?
  2. I take wonderful care of my body, the temple of my spirit. I make good choices in my healthy lifestyle, choosing food that are good for me and vibrant activity to keep my body finely tuned and joyous.Questions: Are the activities and actions related to your physical body adding to your vibrant longevity? Do you enjoy your body, is it fun to be in? can you depend on it to operate well for the daily tasks you set out to accomplish?
  3. I feel so connected and blissfully part of life! I have friends and family members who really get me, and I really get them!Questions; Are you part of the everything, or have you taken yourself out of the game? When you do connect with others is there a magnificent connection most of the time?
  4. I am the master of my universe, my will is powerful and I am able to live in sync with my vision for myself!Questions; Are my desires lined up for success? Do I have many conflicting desires that leave me feeling ineffectual?
  5. My love awaits me everywhere I go. As I source love and share it, love is always the energy waiting me in all circumstances.Questions; Have I found the practice of gratitude fueling my love vibe? Do I trust that everything I bring into my life has purpose and is in divine order? Am I a beacon of love?

That was fun! Let’s move into the conversation of intimate relationships. Having friends and family who you love and who you share love is vital to your healthy functioning organic system. Our brains have a whole area devoted to emotional and social behaviors. When we are loving and loved we are phenomenal and radient beings of Light!

What could you do if you stayed in celebration and love?

Remember bliss is an inside job!