As I prepare this content and let my mind dwell on the question of what is most helpful to share, I hear,
Seek ye first the kingdom of God.
If we took this literally, in each action as we progressed during the day, we would ask how can I serve purity and truth, how can I serve life and light and how can I love as God has loved?
To seek is a powerful realm. It is an active state of discovery. It is the state of not knowing it all, but being a humble researcher, and an open receiver for majesty and miracles.
What is first on your mind when you awake? Is your mind wandering, solving challenges, checking social media, listening to the news? Are you immediately drawn into prayer and reflection as you awaken? Do you set your day right with meditation and prayer?
As you cook, do you see the food as a gift from God? Do you seek the nourishment in the food that is the blessing, do you pray over the food as you cook it, bless it before eating, enjoy the flavors and smells, and give thanks for a full belly?
We are working on alignment. This past week we offered a free community program with 500 enrolled participants who sought to align with purity and truth. I see the correlation with the Biblical direction to seek first the kingdom of God, each word of this seems to reflect our Forever 201 programming. We seek to align with God’s plan and as we do we seek to align with the purity and truth of our vibrant brilliant life.
What do you imagine is meant by the kingdom of God? I think some think it means to be good, do what you are supposed to do so you will be rewarded by going to heaven when you die. I really don’t think this is the true meaning of the kingdom of God. I see it as a realm of divinity that we can own and move into more and more by consistently making the choice to place Divine qualities as the set point for all thoughts and actions as we move through our days and even through our sleep time.
This is not the passage in its entirety of course the full passage is:
Seek ye first the kingdom of God
And His righteousness
and all these things shall be added unto you
There is a promise, a declaration of the reward of all these things, all the wonder, miracles and glory being added unto you, your life, and everything you touch. With a celebratory Alleluia, a word known to come to the human realm from the angelic vocabulary, a promise of the Best possible life, and great reason for celebration.
What is is your first intention with every step, every thought, every action? We address this so beautifully in the accelerate wealth program in our lesson: Your context for being.
Today we went to lunch at our favorite Indian restaurant. One of the bargains we had was that while there, after eating and before dessert Adelia and I would work on some of her brain balance homework. We had done about 5 when a family, a mom, and dad and what appeared younger girl sat down next to us. Adelia was immediately wanting to make friends and play with the girl who appeared to be 9 or 10. The girl was so sweet with Adelia. After we spoke for a short time, we discovered she was actually much older and had stopped growing. She was a high schooler 4’8” and had recently gone on HGH as she is in the smallest group for her age. I at age 49 was engaged to a pediatrician, I had gone along with him to a physician lecture on the use of human growth hormone for the most petite 3% of children. How that was increasing height and moving kids into puberty, helping those who were not developing to mature.
She was very sweet, and her parents were obviously great parents. I asked if they minded if I pray for her, I prefaced it with I pray very powerful prayers, with your permission I would like to pray for your daughter. They were so happy and said yes please..which allows me to help with my own gifts of activitivations for her, in partnership with God. I also heard her casually say she lost her mom this year and was able to genuinely acknowledge oh how hard that must be for her, and touch her heart as I listened to her just relay her story. I was able to praise them as great parents and left them happy to have come into our acquaintance, smiling and walking out together as if we were old friends. I give these examples of seeking the kingdom of God, by listening and loving. Being present. Having the folks you come in contact with feel loved and seen.
The movie Avatar had this great lesson in it. The indigenous folks of Pandora lived in harmony with the land and the great mother (God). To live honoring all life moved you into a place of visibility. They would say:” I see you” which was far-reaching, I honor you, feel you, respect you, cherish you as part of the Divine. In this fantasy movie, it was so natural, a part of the people who had been raised with this spiritual concept.
Seek alignment, Seek God, Seek the Kingdom, Seek to be loving, Seek to contribute, seek to in each action and thought be the best offering of self you are able to bring.