Live an extraordinary life!

I am often asked how I am able to live such a rich and full life despite the intense illness and the ups and downs mentally and emotionally from having multiple cancers and 17 surgeries. Along the way to 100% health, I discovered the secret path to living an extraordinary life. Your existence is not defined by the complicated set of circumstances life brings you. Rather, living an extraordinary life is a conscious choice to be and become your greatness.

I have discovered seven fundamental elements of life that, when engaged to the fullest expression, will result in 100% human fulfillment. This is your guide to life well lived.

    1. Vitality – having a great cellular constitution

      Your vitality and energetic presence gives you the winning edge. When you are healthy, people around you feel safe and confident. More than that, you feel unstoppable. You are able to make plans and follow through with great velocity and intention. Enjoying a healthy body is the most important element, as it creates the ground from which you can soar. Without good health you live a life pieced together, built on a shaky foundation.

    2. Alignment and purpose

      Alignment with your spiritual journey and connection with source is the second element of living an extraordinary life. To be in alignment will require you to take time away from the hustle and bustle of life and the pressures of group mind and family agreements.  The greatest quest you can engage in is to discover who you are and what you are up to in this life. To live authentically, you must know who you are and why you are here. Making your best guess or operating on autopilot is not good enough. Make time for you to know you.

    3. Discipline to strength

      A person who knows disciple is able to fulfill their mission and gains the respect of all those who they come in contact with. Discipline is the path to fulfillment of everything made manifest. To be healthy, wealthy and wise you must engage in a strategic discipline. Personal power comes from the ability to follow through. You can only experience discipline when you have cleared the entire muddle and ‘squirrels’/ distractions from your path. You must first fuel yourself, meaning you must fill yourself up to emotional fulfillment. When you are filled up you have a greater capacity to be emotional generous with yourself and all others.


  1. Enthusiasm for truth

    When you blend enthusiasm with truth you open to your greatest expression of self. As you enthusiastically call truth to you, you continue your journey towards awakening to your divine nature and powerful access to miraculous energies. Enthusiasm lights the way to higher wisdom. The one caveat to this conversation is to not get caught up with your version of truth. When truth has an opinion it is actually a belief rather then an absolute. Truth has no other version. It just is.

  2. Ascension the progress of your awakening

    The journey of ascension does not require you to consciously drive towards spiritual awakening. In this case your balanced loving life will move you towards your ascension. I now see the opportunity for full enlightenment, which includes mastery in the spiritual realm as well as the emotional, mental and physical realms is a deeper richer type of enlightenment than just a spiritual awakening. The old awakening model was to throw all your intention into a spiritual journey and remove yourself from the world so as to gain enlightenment. This is still a valid journey, but a higher enlightenment of the human experience is the mastery of all aspects of your life, leaving nothing behind.

  3. Mindset – Love-magic and Love-wisdom
    Joy and bliss includes having fun.

    Joy and bliss includes having fun.To have your mind in the right place makes all the difference in living an extraordinary life.  Having the brain working well with all the neurotransmitters and chemistry supporting your joyous bliss filled life is a vital part of your successful experience. When you are in love with your life, and with all those who you interact with, you have mastered your mindset and your life. Remember a healthy brain gives you the ground for healthy emotions. The awareness of the oneness of all things is the mystery and the doorway to glory.

  4. Connection – love appreciation

    This leads us into the final element and the bookend that holds this magnificent formula together. Appreciation for everything and everyone is the greatest lesson and expression of human kind. Love is always the answer. If your days are filled with gratitude and appreciation for the wonderful life you are now living, even if some days are not so wonderful, staying with the grace of appreciation will install the deepest connection to the Divine and to the greatness majesty and wonder of humankind.

    Living into your 100% life means living an exemplary life. You will become the guiding light to your friends and followers as you show the well-lit path towards the ever-unfolding magnificent existence. You choose. Know that you have always had the opportunity to choose. Now I invite you to consciously make a choice for greatness. Join me in living an extraordinary life, and be filled with the peace and bliss that surpasses thought or mental understanding. Be.

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