A lot of times women come to me and they know that they want more energy. But rarely, almost never do I have a woman show up and say, “I want more power, Julie Renee.” By the way, I am Julie Renee, Master Health Activator, and author of Your Divine Human Blueprint. And I’ve got some great tips for you on how to really experience more power in your body and in your life. So the first thing that I’d like to recommend to you is to ground. Really get grounded and centered every day. And if you’re going into a meeting, I want you to ground yourself before you go into a meeting. Hey, I made a special IO that’s four minutes long and it’s on the Definitive Guide to Meditation series. There are three meditations in that and one is to get you ready to go into a meeting. And it grounds you and gets you running your energy before you go into a meeting so you can be at the peak of your game. But just for now, let’s think about this, you’re grounding down to the center of the earth and you’re really feeling your spirit in body. That’s one way to feel more power. Another thing that we forget to do is breathe deeply, and taking a deep breath in and breathing all the way down into your pelvic cradle and then letting it out. And do this maybe ten times where you really just like settling into your body and just cleansing, just releasing the cleansing breath. And the third thing, which is very, very important, is I’d like to see you really specifically doing exercises that energize your core. Because power comes from our core, both from our third chakra and from our belly region. So you wanna have the muscles in your body, maybe it’s your legs, maybe you feel like you’re really powerful when your legs are working, your arms are working. But don’t ignore the belly. So really think about these three ideas, breathing deeply, and energizing yourself, and exercising. And really coming into your own power. Activating that divine human blueprint that was always meant for us to use, will make you unstoppable.

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