Astrology is a system. Western Astrology was developed by a Synthetic alien to suppress an individual experience in this incarnation. It sets up limitations and energizes where they would like a person/group to focus attention. For them it is a tool they use for observing us, watching how much success they have in controlling our outcomes. It appears it is an energetic game a bit like chess. Lots of strategy and calculation are involved.

Astrology also has the nature of being parasitical. God created us beautifully with a full palette of beautiful choices and opportunities. This parasitical system suppresses who we are created to be, in God-likeness and as well free will to create our wonderful life as we choose.

When I was 33 I went to India for half a year, upon returning to the US, I met an Indian prince. He had been born to a great king, his father had 67 wives and over 100 children. This prince had given his wealth back to the family and studied numerology and astrology in the Himalayas with the ancient ones. After 13 years he emerged and went to the west to relay what he had learned during that time. He was not an astrologer – he was a master at numerology. He told me I have lived beyond my astrology. At 34 I had already plowed through what he could see as 7 incarnations in this one body. I had surpassed my astrology, and it was no longer relevant to my journey.

Intrigued but what I saw thought and imagined the prince and I had a lovely relationship, one in which he proposed marriage to me. As I think back now he must have known it would not work, he offered for me to live in the palace with his aged mother till she passed and we would live in comfort and luxury. But until his mother passed he would continue to work and tour in the US. I could see he wanted to gift me an incredible life, one he felt I ‘deserved’ but my work with humanity would not wait. His understanding of numerology would have pointed that out to him, and then there is hope and free will. Some of the things he said based on his psychic gifts and numbers at least in some part have come true. He thought I would move to another country around this age, and sure enough, Texas is another country quite unlike California.

I do not believe numerology is a nefarious system …it appears God gave us the system of numbers and we have used numbers to understand our world throughout time.

Vedic astrology is from the Reptilian race.
Chinese astrology is from Serpent aliens.

So how do we live beyond astrology? From his understanding, I had gone through such humongous traumas I had taken all of what a normal life would provide of growth in just a few short years, and then do another group of traumas and accomplish ticking off another life. Perhaps if he were here he might now venture that I have lived more like 40 lifetimes.

It seems for the immediate we can choose not to energize astrology. It will not come around yet for 3-4 years for me to shut this system down, there are much more urgent matters at hand to work on in the immediate future.

What does it mean to not energize astrology?

  1. Don’t reference astrology or identify with what you know about it
  2. The program this is me/this is my future is part of the do not do list
  3. When you feel an astrological transit is troublesome in your life, say I am not affected by astrology, let go of any struggle and ask God to direct your steps so you will be victorious to rise above these alien programs
  4. Give away, and discard your astrological resources, books, divination cards, and training. You are intentional about shutting the system down in your space, so show the universe you mean business. (going to my bookshelves to do that right now. )

We had a comment in class by one of our students, but I like the nice aspects of my astrology. I’m going to keep working with that. Understand if you energize the nice aspects, you are energizing the system which comes with the nefarious aspects, one aspect does not come without the other. I do not recommend hanging onto astrology as a way to identify self, a tool, or in any other way. We will get to it in due time until we have this guide to follow.