Kundalini was not from God it was God approved for pleasure and ascension 40,000. Looks like the very advanced Pleiadeans added this it is interesting it was added to the energetic DNA as we take out DNA this will go away. 

What we lose as this goes away

About 2% of humanity used this for an enhancement for sexual ecstasy, for those who did this will be gone (not sexual ecstasy). The programing for Kundalini in essence (DNA) will go away. Was not a real effective way to bring lower energies up for ascension,  Kundalini in Pleiadians did work with their system, but as an ad on we have to look at it as more of an experiment.

Birth…Stores traumatic birth as trauma seems to be a repository for trauma.

Death…Stores the record and sensation of traumatic death in both these cases, it works like a timeline, karma, and a ledger.

Sex.. this provided a channel along with our natural sexual ecstasy realm, removing it can be positive when you think of birth and death traumas being stored in Kundalini.

Ascension when we became lower in frequency the idea of ascension became a drive, to get back to our original frequency, yet we were created to advance mature and evolve, to grow in beauty compassion, and love…not to be preoccupied with mastering a technical process. 

What we gain as this goes away

Kundalini seems to be an internal energetic timeline for birth and death traumas, without it these traumas and intense body sensations will be gone closer to our original God-created self.