I lead our small but mighty Butterfly Bible study group Thursday night and we choose to study the topic of sin. We looked at what the Bible had to say about sin and chatted about our efforts to continue to seek God’s grace and love when we are hit with a challenging circumstance. 

There are many references in the Bible about sin, and I encourage you to read about it. As I have lived I have come to understand, that sin plan and simply is anything that takes you away from feeling the love of God. It is actually a crime of self, not one God is exerting, but one your pure and true nature is exerting on you so you might realize the discomfort of loss. 

In our emotions these are triggered in the ‘act’ of sin:

Engulfed: engulf is to be surrounded by that which is not you, perhaps feeling you are smothering or cannot breath

Disgrace: This is interesting to be taken from Grace, Grace being the outflowing love of God

Debauchery: to reach for and embrace evil behaviors to fill lust and lasciviousness moving away from your beautiful pure true nature to a dark path. This path is a spiritual illness  

Helpless: when you deliberately sin, go against your true nature, you will not feel help, you will not feel blessed, you will forget as if you have amnesia how much you are loved and cared for and how many gifts are showering on you every moment. 

Here are the entitlement involved with sinning:

Karmic Debt: as you do something that is wrong and against who you are with another involved, a cycle of payback or retribution is started. No one gets away with wrongdoing without a consequence somewhere down the line. God can clear this, we also can clear this, but understand what put it there in the first place is your choice.

Religious: This is where we see the involvement of shame and guilt.  The feeling of being unworthy, undeserving, even bad is activated with religious entitlement. The entitlement is a control to help keep the behaviors of the followers in. check. 

As we seek always to align with the true intention of God’s will for us, sin takes us away from that. The most severe of consequences are death. The wage of sin is death. I was shown this was one of the stumbling blocks to our long life, as Eve and Adam sinned death came unto us all, most certainly with a shortened life span. 

We definitely do not look for perfect people or strive to be perfect. This is not the way to live. We look for our consistent rising up in our thoughts, words, and deeds so that our frequency and ascension has a steady incline to the ascension path, one of deeper and deeper God alignment, Communion, and Love (agape).