I pondered, how many spaceships are up there???

I got the number 73.

Are they good or evil aliens circling our globe?

These ships carrying these groups are working to harm humanity

Arachnoid, Phantom, Reptilian, Reptoid, Serpent, and Synthetic are there for sure and are nefarious.

Greys are currently on Mars.

These ships carrying these groups have mixed intentions they are not there to help us

Arcturian, Orion, Pleiadean, Tall Whites, Swedes

Hybrid accounts for 3 ships seem to be converting humans to hybrids taking them off-world and working with underground DUM sites doing soul-stealing type activities. Very evil.

I get we can affect this by 50% in our Earth Clearing today August 10, 2022, replay link here

I love the notion we have friends in the sky, this is at this moment not the case. Will you join me? You can pump right along with me to clear the earth’s atmosphere and make this a safer place to live.