I was talking about an experience of feeling some pain that felt like a cautionary pain that was keeping me from exercising, and when I said it out loud the yoga teacher said, no you’re mistaken, you need the strength and flexibility of your knees, you’ve got to work them. That rang true, in spite of a bad break 18 years ago, I really didn’t have another reason not to push them. This especially rang true, as just a few hours before this, I heard I am way stronger than I realize, and in this case, I did equate what I was hearing as a reference to my physical being. 

I wasn’t the only one who was pondering this and engaging the body, one of our students Erik, was also seeing the meaning of this. HE saw a kind of energy field with past pains that would come back to the former area of the body whenever it was being engaged. It looked like pain pockets waiting to inform the body, but really to misinform the body, because there was no actual danger or fresh pain to pay attention to. 

As I looked at this I immediately recognized the interacting pain field. In this field, it has a kind of spiral effect, and nonlinear progression of time reestablishing the feeling of pain. 

Two things I took from this

  1. If you haven’t really used an area of the body for a while, you’ll need time, probably not as much as you imagine, to build back the strength and flexibility, but you likely can do that.
  2. Clearing the interacting pain field, and affirming the pain is not real, not me, and acting on that with faith even when feeling pain.

My shoulder really hurt with the yoga, but within 2 practices I had no shoulder pain. What I would have let stop me I can now see was just a thing, and not me. This is part of aging and decay. Believing you cannot do something and then acting on that and not doing it until your strength and flexibility are all but gone. 

I’ve been on a “take back the body” binge for 6 weeks now and it feels wonderful. I can’t do everything I used to (YET) but each day I take back more of my body strength and flexibility and it does seem this is the key..don’t believe in the interacting pain field and know you are way stronger than you realize.