Pentecost in its origins refers to the Jewish festival celebrated on the fiftieth day after the first fruits. It was adopted by Christians and is a movable festival 7 weeks after Easter Sunday. 

It related to the gifts of the spirit and the outpouring of these gifts, including speaking in tongues, healing, and prophecy. 

We are currently in the season of Pentecost, and depending on how you interpret the church calendar, this for some goes on for 20 weeks. 

I particularly love the idea of a designated season of receptivity to the outpouring of spiritual gifts. The idea that for some it is a one-day feast while for others it becomes 140 days of blessings gives us the notion that supernatural forces are sending us the gifts we need for our spiritual journey. It creates permission to have and own these beautiful gifts of the spirit.

Remember the spirit of truth is the Holy Spirit and it is from the Holy Spirit that all spiritual gifts flow. 

You may notice I am dedicating more writing to spiritual matters and with our focus in the Forever 201 God alignment program, I feel a strong pull to live in the blessing of God’s Garden of Eden more fully. 

Wishing you a blessed beautiful upcoming week.