In the last article of this newsletter I write about a huge topic of stealing from our blueprint, be sure to read it in its entirety. It is very helpful and informative.
With Adelia home this week, and now a 4 year old, We’ve had an interesting turn of events. Adelia is raiding the food stores for her favorites. She stole the last cookie, and ate the entire remaining sherbet in the fridge putting the cover and container in its original place. Earlier she ate a whole package of crackers during a class, started choking and threw up much of what when consumed after I pounded on her back to release the lodged cracker stuck in her windpipe.
For Adelia it is a new game. One I hope to put an end to quickly. I do however want to address a larger issue of stealing, bad karma and lowering frequencies as a result.
I could write about the Dominion voter fraud tool, but if you are following the alternative news it has been well covered. What I want to look at is what gets generated when you wrongfully take something that is not yours.
This behavior came out of the patriarchal era, one I am glad we are out of. It did encourage men to be protectors and providers, Women got to develop their spiritual nature quietly.
I think what was believed was the most dominant being held the most power which equated to the winner. There was no thought to the consequences on an energetic level. How dominating, suppressing controlling and stealing would ultimately position a person for a hell bound afterlife with controller and suppressor beings on top them. There is no heaven, no paradise for those who do this kind of wrong. Where you leave energetically, whether in purity and truth or evil and suppressing is where you will hang out in the afterlife.
Now it could be there are those who wish to live in hell. The satanic and demonically driven folks who continue to do harm may think it is an okay place to descend to. It is not.
What goes around comes around. There is a notion, calling on God to forgive you in your last hours will make up for your wrongs. You will be forgiven. Of course, God is a loving God, but it is not a get out of jail card. Meaning if you have no reference to the feelings of ascended living, you will not move into the high paradise, the realm of purity and truth. This is 98% true.
How you and others set up your goals and lifestyle will directly influence your afterlife experience and future lives. Essentially you ‘where’ like energetic clothing your wrongs, some folks call it karma.
I know you are not this person. I know you live a life of truth and pursue kindness, gratitude and service to others as best you can. If you see folks doing wrong, pray for them. Don’t pray harm, pray they wake up to what they are doing. Pray they might experience purity. And if you are given an opportunity to report an offense, help a wrongdoer come to justice, this is also a good path. Many people wake up in jail, I know because there is a small group of individuals who have served time in our community and have made beautiful strides to turn their life around.