This week we saw on the charts the Super KEKB taking the place of CERN and how it interferes with our daily life.
One difference with the KEKB is that it does NOT have capacity to open doors to the underworld and let creatures and trapped demons etc escape. What I found while in conversation with our Ignite student Dawn was that this super KEKB has 7 main functions. The nature of this device is luciferin. It is like the linear accelerator.
Manipulates Things like the Abrahms M1 Tanks to implant fear and terror
Piggy-backs on the M1 Tanks – to send fear and terror to people so they are stopped and on their knees, At a quick glance I saw 4 tanks in Texas, 9 in New York, 6 in Wash D.C., over 100 in West Virginia. Of the 50 states 38 states have at least 2 of the tanks and all 50 states have the vans. There are RV/Vans with satellite dishes on top (like the media/TV vans similar looking to those that go to locations to present the news live on location). It appears Japan is working with the United States to use the Super KEKB with the Abrams M1 Tanks. Japan has its own type of these Abram M1 tanks, China on the other hand does not.
Can Alter and Slow Time
By slowing down the particles in the quantum field it is effectively able to slow down the field that provides the experience for us of being in life.
Affects News/Media drives to the forefront fear and terror
Keeps a hunger for bad news. Supports a driving passion in people for misinformation, to appreciate the lie, group mind virus.
Manipulates Prayer
Having people pray like “help me get through the day” vs. help me have a fantastic mission and purpose-filled for the next 150 years! Steals the power of what is possible with fervent aligned prayer.
Works with Elon Musk’s satellites to send terror to the joints
The effect of this is uniquely different for each person. it seeks to affect the joints people use the most so they’ll think they overdid their activity, rather than looking to an outside issue as having caused the pain. This does involve the Texas black Op currently underway
Affects Mental/Mind
What I can see here is a drive toward overwhelm and a sense of desperation. Off-balanced and weak ‘feeling’ till you realize this is not of you and is not the truth of who you are, as a child of God.
Affects Dream State
Mental manipulation of the dream. Darkness to the imaginings of sleep time. Loss of ownership, loss of control.