As I watch the frenzy of public figures acting chaotic unethical and taking actions that are unconscionable, I have to as a Master Quantum Activations expert have to look at the impact of all these nonsensical governance dictates.

I’m not talking about the hair salon incident, if you caught the news it seems to outrank the pandemic and violence the past few days.

I’m talking about the governing rule preventing normal and joyous communication and connections with others.

The effects of lock down suppression on the individual blueprint wearing the mask:

Perception: lowers charisma 70%, reduces sensory awareness 60%, stimulation response (heighten) 100% this speaks to short tempers, tears and frustrations that are not your natural way of responding to life and your ability the enjoy engagement with others reduced by 80%

Essence: restricts personal authority by 30%, darkens spirit by 60%

Matter: reduces light of cell in a fear setting where miraculous revitalization does not take place, as well as negatively affecting intelligence processing centers. This includes the energetic part of you that authors your loveline memory. Many are struggling with relationships, divorces, child abuse because they are no longer seen with the mask it alters who you are and how you behave. Your overall awareness is directed towards dark happenings and energetic directed movement for example feeling somewhat handicapped lifting bags directing children, moving about with the mask on.

Energy systems: interacting fields amplification which cause rumination and obsession to sky rocket, pain this speaks to spiritual pain, the sorrow and pain of dark overriding light and then of course the Joy reduction of singing laughing speaking without limitation the joy field reduced 90%

Now I had laid out more but just looking at one item, how suppression with a mask can affect such a large part of who we are and how we express ourselves, it is no wonder there is a sense from many of helplessness.  Our minds and thoughts may think, this is so oppressive this is as it will now always be. And we know this is not true, but for the less wise, if you had the notion this would continue you may seriously consider not staying on the planet.

Stay in your home

Don’t do personal care i.e. nails hair massage etc

Don’t enjoy Entertainment theater Music events sports and so on

Don’t attend church in door don’t sing

So Where is the hope in this? How can we look at what is being done and feel hopeful for a friendlier planet soon to come?

With the recent CDC announcement of actual Covid Deaths at only 9,210 in the US, not the high reports of previous weeks, we look to Covid as a common cold affecting the elderly. That’s such good news. The serious lock down should start winding down soon, no need for masks  I would predict within 4 weeks the masks will begin to fade away.

What many folks do not know is what has been going on behind the scenes to make this world safer. Human trafficking is all but 8% gone in the US. The crimes against humanity: pedophilia, sex trafficking, human slavery and killings are significantly reduced about 50% down in 8 months. Violent gangs that had come into our country are now being eliminated; this is now 60% reduced from 9 months ago. Tunnels where all this trafficking of drugs and humans was being done are being collapsed. I test thousands of miles that have already collapsed. In  the US where high taxes and high health care, and drug costs have crippled the average income worker, there is a clear path being laid out of a reduction in both taxes and medical expenses.

People have not stopped praying, singing or reading sacred text like the Bible. Quite the contrary online groups are building momentum, study groups on every spiritual topic are offered day and night online. People like myself who do not follow mainstream media and news have become aware of the dark influences, and like myself are in their own way taking actions to ‘heal human kind’.

Light is breaking through everywhere we look! There is great reason to hope for a better tomorrow!