I’ve heard something that just does not ring true to me that we are systemically racists. I want to address this more completely, and it appears a new definition has now appeared to describe this new buzz phrase so let us take a look more deeply to see what is attempting to emerge as a new miasm (group mind virus).
Systemic is an adjective
1. of or relating to a system, especially when affecting the entirety of a thing: systemic flaws in the design and construction of the vehicles.
2. relating to or noting a policy, practice, or set of beliefs that have been established as normative or customary throughout a political, social, or economic system: systemic inequality; systemic racism.
3. Physiology, Pathology.
a. relating to or affecting the body as a whole.
b. relating to or affecting a particular body system.
4. (of a pesticide) absorbed and circulated by a plant or other organism so as to be lethal to pests that feed on it.
Were we created with a design flaw? Did we naturally distrust or belittle those not like us?
We are beautifully created in the image and likeness of God. We are pure, true beings of light who can choose to love wonderfully, feel towards others kindly and generous to others.
What we focus on and claim as true expands. If we remember who we are, have an understanding of others, knowing we are not all alike, but unique beings, making up one magnificent human realm, and that each of us has an important role to play, we can live in the light of truth.
Are there folks who are still evolving and have not got it all handled as far as a prejudice of any kind? Of course, and that is cured not by blaming but by loving. Patience, showing the way.
What is currently happening is very odd, isolating the races, having separate graduations, excluding white men from loans and grants not based on need and skill, but simply identifying race and gender as the deciding factor for whether support comes.
This in itself is racist. I filled out a grant form a while back at the start of the lockdown. The questions seemed so odd to me and eventually became offensive. Are you Black or Hispanic? Are your gender identified not straight many questions on this? Are you a woman?
I began to get upset. They wanted not to know about my business and the incredible commitment I have to the work I am doing to help humanity; they didn’t even want to know about my demographics, the kinds of people I serve, or who work alongside me.
If I were a black trans female, I would have gotten the grant. There was no reason for me to fill this form out other than to educate myself on the new insanity being introduced to the world.
I had been renting my cottage on Airbnb, but something strange happened around the same time. I got a similar survey asking about being black, sexually identified, not straight, and the like. What the heck??? What could this possibly be for? The standards of cleanliness and great location provisions were now being foreshadowed with very weird racial bias.
Immediately following these two episodic blips, I flew to look at homes in Dallas. I used Alaska airlines. To sign into the movie system, you use your device. Opening their app brought you to a large DONATE to BLM. Was this the same BLM that was at the time looting and burning down cities?
Okay, I am sharing some of the oddities of what the dark forces may be pushing out to the population. But I assure you, we are not systemically evil, wrong, or harmful. Our nature is for contribution and love. We are the light of the world, made in God’s image. All of us.
I don’t know what your path has been, but mine has been to love all people. You are following me, so I am guessing you, as well, seek to love and contribute to others. We make little headway by agreeing we are evil. We move forward in our evolution, and our ascension is to recognize what is true and neutralize the lies and deception that exist all around us.