On Dec 31st a deer leaped into my vehicle. I saw it and continued in my mind to see it choose to leap onto my Volvo’s front left bumper. I saw it choose. I saw it before it leaped, and slammed on the brakes ( I was on a side road so I came to a quick stop) still there was an impact, the deer was stunned and there was immediate help. A gentleman (likely a cowboy) pulled the deer off the side of the road with a long leather strap, another shouted from across the way: mam, mam are you okay??? Call the Police, have you called, I’ll call. 

I was stunned. In shock. I imagine myself fully in harmony with nature, this should not have happened, but it did. How? Why? 

I saw the deer’s face, if I could humanize how it seemed to me, it was thinking okay now I am going to leap on her car and die. I am not sure if it lived or died. It was alive and in shock when I drove away after I too called the police. What would motivate it to leap into a car??? At the moment I tested lucifer behind this. 

I brought this up in class and I heard this is not uncommon. In countries that have deer, this is happening like crazy, and in countries that have kangaroos, they are doing the same thing. 

We have to ask questions if it is lucifer behind this mass suicide how is the impulse to leap into death triggered? What is behind this? Are they depressed or does it just happen on impulse? 

I am wondering about 5G, but it seems it is more likely from a Q wave. This is being broadcast out by governing science. It does seem like a global ill intent, and weirdly when I test it is part of the depopulation of human effort.   It appears to be a natural phenomenon so when folks die from this, no one wonders who was behind it. I do not test something wrong with their mind, like depression, but an overriding impulse to leap.  This Q wave seems to also be making the animals aggressive and angry. 

There are things I ponder, feeling a great deal of concern, waves, transmissions, and chemtrails are altering the natural order of our wildlife. You may also feel concerned and with good reason. We can immediately help with prayer for the wildlife we share the earthly realm with. As well these issues need to be cleared Q wave and the like. 

We are the guardians of the earth, the caretakers, the authors of how this all turns out.  Animal suicide need not be a thing. Strangely teenage suicide is also way up for other reasons. we need to pay attention.